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FRIDAY FLASHBACK!: Arm The Ones That You Love

Buckeye Firearm Association's web site is seeing an amazing growth in visitors and new articles are being posted several times a week.

With everything that is going on, it is easy to miss some important and interesting articles. To make sure that you don't miss anything, we are going to repost one of our more popular articles every Friday.

This week's "Friday Flashback" is....

Arm The Ones That You Love

By Chris Chumita

There was a strange reaction from my family and friends when I became engaged to a beautiful and amazing woman on September 16th, 2005. They were happy for me, but they were also amazed that a woman was willing to put up with my idiosyncrasies for the rest of her life. However, what really shocked them was what I got her for our one year anniversary of dating - a handgun.

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To some people it was a strange and dangerous gift. To others it was much more than just a gun.

My fiancée, grew up in a house with guns, but never fired one until I took her to the range. Her father is an active hunter and taught her about the importance of firearm ownership. While she always supported the Second Amendment, she never really took an interest in firearms ownership. However, she now owns a handgun and is planning on getting her CHL (concealed handgun license) after we get married in July. Why is she going to get her CHL? Because she strongly believes that a firearm is much more than a tool or inanimate object. It is a big responsibility, empowerment and an equalizer. That is something that all women need to understand before they are attacked and unable to defend themselves.

My fiancée knows that “With great power comes great responsibility.” I believe I read that quote in a Spider-Man comic book, but it also relates to firearm ownership. A person takes on a great responsibility when they become a firearm owner. They must understand that they have the power to take or save a life with a single pull of the trigger. They must be responsible enough to make sure that they only use the gun in a self-defense situation when it is absolutely necessary. They must know that sometimes the best shot is not taking a shot. They know how to safely use, clean, and store a firearm.

My fiancée knows that a firearm empowers a woman to be able to defend herself and to be responsible for her own safety. Unfortunately, many women have a false sense of security when it comes to their own safety. They expect that their significant other or the police will protect them. It is very easy to see the flaws in that logic. The significant other will not always be around, and the courts have ruled that the police DO NOT have a duty to protect the individual citizen. Even if they did, the attack will be over with by the time the police arrive to help. In many cases, the police arrive just in time to pick up the pieces (sometimes literally) and to take a report from a victim.

My fiancée knows that women are often victims of domestic violence and stalking. Often the only protection the system offers is a protection order. Groups such as Toby Hoover’s OCAGV often advocate counseling, anger management courses, other social programs, and police reports to help combat the complicated problem of domestic violence. While we agree that there must be a multi-faceted approach to domestic violence, they stop at giving the victim the best means of protecting herself. What happens if the abuser walks through the paper restraining order and attempts to rape/murder the woman? All of the group hugs and therapy sessions will not protect the woman from her abusive ex-husband as he kicks in her door. However, a firearm will protect her while she waits for the police to respond…if she was able to make the call.

My fiancée knows that a firearm is also an equalizer. A firearm gives a person a fighting chance if they are attacked by a stronger opponent. Do the gun-grabbers really expect my 4’11” fiancée to trade punches with a 6’0” man who is trying to rape her? How do they expect an 88 year old man to protect himself from home invaders? What about a woman in a wheelchair? What about the small man? It makes you wonder what the true agenda of groups like Toby Hoover’s OCAGV is.

If you love a woman, get her a gun and teach her how to use it. It may save her life. The decision not to arm the woman you love may have dire consequences. Hopefully you won’t find yourself regretting your decision while you identify your loved one at the morgue or while you are holding her hand as a nurse performs a rape exam.

Chris Chumita is an active volunteer and editor for the Buckeye Firearms Association.

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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.