Bulletproof your mind with Col. Dave Grossman!
You've rehearsed shooting an attacker, but have you mentally prepared for being shot? You know how to fight when everything goes right, but do you know the steps to take when everything goes wrong? Because it almost certainly will!
Your worst enemy isn't the thug about to beat you with a tire iron. Your worst enemy is denial. Denial that you will actually be attacked. Denial that your body will shake and your hands will tremble. Denial that you will hesitate at the final moment to do what needs to be done.
But now you can prepare for your worst nightmare and be ready when it happens. Ready to take direct hits and keep on fighting. Ready to recognize the signs of threat and take control fast and hard. Ready to make that terrible but necessary decision when your life or the lives of your loved ones are at stake.
It's not about bravery. It's about mental preparation. Col. Grossman says, "Denial kills you physical, mentally, and financially. It has no survival value. Chew it up, spit it out, get rid of it. This is the moment of truth. No more denial. Rid yourself of every ounce."
Full-Day Seminar - The Bulletproof Mind: Tactical Mindset for Armed Citizens.
Saturday October 11, 2014
8:30am to 4:00pm EDT
Fort Rapids Indoor Waterpark Resort
4560 Hilton Corporate Dr
Columbus, OH 43232
CLICK HERE for detailed information about Dave Grossman and this year's all-day seminar.
CLICK HERE to go directly to the Registration Page.
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