Police Chief Dennis Murphy's testimony on HB45 offers stark contrast to police union's rhetoric
by Chad D. Baus
The chief of police of a Columbus suburb provided testifimony for HB45 on Tuesday that starkly contrasted with that provided to the House Committee on State Government and Elections by the Ohio Association of Chiefs of Police two weeks ago.
From the Gongwer News Service:
Gahanna Chief of Police Dennis Murphy said his city of 35,000 in northeast Franklin County has had zero episodes with conceal carry permit holders since 2006[sic] when the conceal carry law took effect. He said the bill provides law-abiding citizens with the ability to protect themselves and their families from the bad guys. He added it does not make common sense to require a conceal carry permit holder to leave a gun in a vehicle where it may be stolen because he is stopping to have dinner in a restaurant that happens to serve alcohol.
Asked to square his support for the bill against the opposition voiced by the Chiefs of Police Association and the Fraternal Order of Police, Chief Murphy said the needs of a union are difference than the needs of individual officers. "Guys on the street interacting with the public are not afraid of this," he said.
Also providing proponent testimony yesterday were Scott Kappas, attorney at law and author of "The Traveler's Guide to the Firearm Laws of the Fifty States" (click here for Kappas' testimony) and Buckeye Firearms Association Legislative Chair Ken Hanson(click here for Hanson's testimony).
In addition to the wealth of proponent testimony, one person, representing the Religious Left, also testified.
Again, from Gongwer:
Tom Smith of the Ohio Council of Churches, testified in opposition saying there was no justification for the extension of the conceal carry law. He said such "creeping" gun legislation could ultimately lead to handguns being allowed in every location in the state, including churches. Mr. Smith also suggested language requiring establishment owners to be liable for damages from a shooting if that owner did not post signs warning that guests may be carrying weapons. He said this would allow a choice as to whether someone would want to frequent the establishment.
Gongwer also provided information on the eight amendments which were being circulated:
Rep. Patmon explained three - one to prohibit carrying a concealed weapon in bars and restaurants serving alcohol in "urban" areas, one to prohibit concealed weapons in sports venues and one to gather information to determine whether permit holders are involved in criminal activity including use of their weapons involving assault, robberies and other altercations.
Rep. Damschroder told the committee he was working with interested parties on an amendment to define "under the influence" of not exceeding 0.02 blood alcohol content to which Rep. Patmon added he was considering one on a zero tolerance level and would work with Rep. Damschroder to come to some consensus.
Rep. Lundy also outlined three possible amendments - one allowing restaurants and bars to opt-in rather than opt-out for allowing permit holders to enter their establishments, one to prohibit conceal carry in casinos and other gaming facilities and one to make records of concealed carry permit holders open to the public.
While answering a question from a committee member, Chief Murphy spoke against Rep. Damschroder's amendment.
Buckeye Firearms Association opposes all eight amendments as written. It is highly important that representatives hear from pro-gun voters in the next few days about their expectations that this bill be passed immediately in the House without amendments, and sent to the Senate, which passed an identical bill in the last session.
Contact your Representative NOW and make it clear you want our bills passed with no amendments and no more waiting. This is URGENT. Two bills hang in the balance!
Click here to tell your Representative you want our bills passed NOW!
Chad D. Baus is the Buckeye Firearms Association Vice Chairman.
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