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Op-Ed: Furiously unraveling - Gun scandal still growing

by Michael A. Walsh

The joke goes that anything named "Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms" ought to be a convenience store instead of an arm of the federal government, but what's going on in Washington these days with the embattled agency is no laughing matter.

Hardly a week passes now without some revelation about the Obama administration's complicity in what may yet turn out to be one of the worst and most lethal scandals in American history: Operation Fast and Furious.

In a classic Friday document dump -- a sure sign of an administration with something to hide -- the feds released to congressional investigators a month's worth of e-mail correspondence in the summer of 2010 between Bill Newell, then head ATF agent in Phoenix, and his friend Kevin O'Reilly, a former White House national-security staffer for North American affairs.

What do you know? Among the e-mails was a photograph of a powerful Barrett .50-caliber rifle that had been illegally purchased in Tucson and recovered in Sonora, Mexico, raising the possibility of a second "gunwalking" program, this one called "Wide Receiver."

Click here to read the entire op-ed at The New York Post.


FLASHBACK July 12, 2011: Holder's claims to have only just learned of Gunrunner proven false - by his own website

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