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Arrest of man accused of brandishing firearm in bar proves new law is enforceable

The arrest of a man accused of brandishing a firearm during an argument in a Cincinnati bar proves Ohio's new law allowing law-abiding citizens with concealed handgun licenses in restaurants and other locations that serve alcohol is enforcable, contrary to the claims of opponents.

From a Cincinnati Enquirer article entitled "Case tests Ohio's guns in bar law:"

A Deer Park man with a concealed carry permit was arrested early today after brandishing his gun in a bar during an argument.

...Police say the incident occurred around 2 a.m. Wednesday when [Chad] O'Reilly, who has a permit to carry a concealed weapon, got into a heated argument with another man at the H&H Tavern on Ohio Avenue in Deer Park.

They say O'Reilly, 25, walked out of the bar and returned a short time later with a .40-caliber semiautomatic Glock pistol in his hand.

According to the arrest report, O'Reilly shouted a racial slur at the man, who is Hispanic, and said, "I'm going to kill you."

Deer Park police say O'Reilly's friends ushered him out of the bar and police arrested him at gunpoint a few minutes later. He did not resist and no one was hurt.

O'Reilly, who police said had been drinking, was charged with aggravated menacing, ethnic intimidation, possession of a controlled substance (injectable testosterone) and illegal possession of a firearm in a liquor establishment.

The law has been tested and has it passed the test. Before Ohio's law was modified, opponents claimed the new law would be unenforceable. But as this unfortunate incident proves, the law is enforceable. An apparent crime was detected, law enforcement were called, no one was hurt, and the accused is facing serious felony charges.

In this case, it is also important to note that the behavior allegedly exhibited by O'Reilly was illegal under our previous laws, and is still unlawful under our present laws. Ohio's new law didn't cause, help or allow this alleged criminal to do anything he couldn't have done before the law was modified. And since law enforcement officials say O'Reilly was apparently an unlawful user of a controlled substance, he may not have even been able to have possession of the gun in the first place. Ultimately, this incident just goes to show that no gun control law can prevent someone from gaining possession of or using a firearm unlawfully.

If Mr. O'Reilly is convicted of breaking the law, he should be punished accordingly.

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