Confirmed: Anti-gun groups used Ohio school spree killing to grow their email list
This article was originally published at the ThirdBasePolitics blog. Republished with permission.
by Nick Mascari
One month ago we all witnessed the terrible tragedy that claimed three lives in Chardon. While most of the state was mourning, we saw a suspicious website pop up almost immediately.
Anti-gun group Ohio Ceasefire has created a website for people to send their thoughts and prayers to students and staff in Chardon.
The catch, they don't make it clear who is sponsoring the site and require that you leave an email address so they can contact you later to "let you know when they get it."
I'm going to take them at their word and trust that I won't start getting anti-gun emails as a result of my participation. I really hope that Ohio Ceasefire isn't going to use this horrible tragedy as a way to increase their email distribution list for future communications.
I hope that I am wrong about their intentions with this site, because playing politics with the lives of those murdered is simply wrong.
Sad to say, our suspicions were correct. I used the website to send my own condolences and prayers. I never did receive notice that "they got my message", but I did start receiving other emails that I had never received before.
The emails I got were from "Mayors Against Illegal Guns," an anti-2nd amendment group headed by cretin Michael Bloomberg. Starting on March 15th, I have received an email a week from them. Just to be sure, I searched my Gmail archives for others. There aren't any. This is no coincidence.
We should have taken a screen capture of the website. It showed no indication that it would be used to send political propaganda to the well wishers. These people took advantage of a tragedy and took advantage of people's desire to assuage the grief of others. They tricked people into giving their email address, so that they could add them to their database. Absolutely despicable.
As you can see, has been shut down. Did MAIG act alone in this charade? No. Research on the domain reveals that it was registered by the moonbats over at ProgressOhio. How much cooperation was there between the two groups will probably never be known, but MAIG is still running the same scam in other locations. The email of the person who registered the domain is Maybe you should send him an email and ask him why they thought it was OK to use a tragedy to further their political agenda.
EDITOR'S NOTE: According to the author, requests for comment have been submitted to ProgressOhio and MAIG. There has been no response. If YOU submitted a message through that website, please contact the author at
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