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Ken Hanson appears on "Piers Morgan Live" on CNN

Ken Hanson, Legal Counsel for Buckeye Firearms Foundation, appeared on Piers Morgan Live Monday night, July 29 at 9pm ET on CNN. Ken discussed the Zimmerman Second Amendment Fund to replace Zimmerman's firearm after the DOJ ordered it withheld after a not guilty verdict.

To support Ken, here are places to comment:
Morgan's CNN Blog
Morgan's Twitter Feed Messages to @PiersMorganLive
Morgan's Facebook Page

Tweet from George Zimmerman's older brother, Robert:

@rzimmermanjr: @piersmorgan STILL doesn't understand acquittal OR self-defense. Ken Hanson of @BuckeyeFirearms is a great man.>>

Media Coverage: - PIERS MORGAN CLASHES WITH PRO-GUN ADVOCATE WHO HELPED RAISE $12K+ TO GET ZIMMERMAN GUN, SECURITY (AND WAIT UNTIL YOU HEAR CNN HOST'S HYPOTHETICAL) - Ken Hanson defends George Zimmerman owning another gun: "We'll sleep soundly" - Buckeye Firearms Foundation Defends Raising Money To Buy A Gun For George Zimmerman (VIDEO) - Piers Grills Man Raising Money For Zimmerman Gun: ‘You Would Sleep Soundly’ If He Kills Someone Again?

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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.