2002 Campaign Finance Statement

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PLEASE NOTE: From mid-2002 through mid-2005, Buckeye Firearms Association operated under the name OFCC PAC.

2002 Pre-Election Report

Statement of Contributions Received

In-Kind* (non-cash) Contributions: $3,045.00
Cash Contributions: $2,911.50
Total Contributions (Cash and In-Kind): $5,956.50

The PAC also received a loan of $2,000 from Jim Irvine, OFCC PAC Chairman.

*In-Kind contributions are defined by Ohio Election law as "a non-monetary contribution of goods or services that was made with the consent of, in cooperation with, or at the request or suggestion of the benefited candidate, fund or party." Examples include receiving postage or signs, receiving rent-free office space, or website design and maintenance.

Statement of Expenditures

$3,285.12 - multiple voter guide mailers (printing, paper, envelopes, postage)
$250.00 - campaign donation (Ohio Speaker of the House Larry Householder's re-election campaign
$30.00 - donor check returned (stop payment)
$25.00 - donor check returned (insufficient funds)
$20.00- bank fee (service charge)
Total Expenditures: $3,610.12*

*As you can see, the PAC spent $698.62 more than it received in cash donations, necessitating a personal loan from our Chairman, Jim Irvine, to get the job done.

2002 Post-Election Report

Statement of Contributions Received

Cash Contributions: $3,019.00

Statement of Expenditures

$577.29 - voter guide mailing - mail sorting and stuffing
$500 - campaign donations ($100 each) to Team (Kevin) Coughlin, Committee to Elect Steve Pressman, Committee to Elect Terri Hauenstein, Citizens for Reidelbach and Committee to Elect Mary Taylor
$83.85 - checks
$50.00 - credit card donation (credit not approved)
$37.00 - postage
$75 - credit card set-up fee
$3.41 - bank transaction fees
$25.00 - donor check returned (insufficient funds)
$12.25 - bank fee (service charge)
Total Expenditures: $1,363.80

The PAC also paid back $2,000 which had been loaned to it by Jim Irvine, OFCC PAC Chairman.

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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.