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20th Annual Gun Rights Policy Conference - Jim Irvine's Blog

For this weekend, I want to keep people informed about events, but I’m not sure when or how much time I’ll have, so I’ve decided to try reporting events as a blog.

It’s 5:40 PM Pacific time on Friday.
I’ve checked into the hotel, unpacked my cloths and grabbed a bite for dinner.

A gentleman I met on the plane on the way out here is also an avid defender of our Second Amendment rights. He is staying at a nearby hotel, and is here on other business, and not able to attend tomorrow’s events. But he came to my hotel, called me, and invited me down for diner. Feeling bad that he could not attend, he wanted to buy a fellow patriot dinner. It was not what I am doing this weekend, but what “we” are doing in Ohio and across this great land. We are fighting for what is right, and winning. And people are living better lives because of it.

Those who have not attended a “firearms event” before may think this odd, but gun people are some of the friendliest, most honorable, giving, and companionate people you will ever meet. Their pride in our Country, our freedoms, and our rights and responsibilities are second to none.

The lobby is now full with people checking in, one with a camouflage bag. I’m guessing he’s also here for the Second Amendment Foundation’s GRPC. It looks like this is going to be a great event.
Click on the "Read More..." link below for more.

Friday evening 8:30PM.

I have returned from the well attended buffet reception. We were welcomed by Alan Gottlieb, Joe Tartaro, John Snyder, California Assemblyman Ray Haynes, and Wayne LaPierre. Mr. LaPierre was beaming with news of the NRA’s victory today in Federal Court ending the wrongful confiscation of personal firearms in Louisiana.

Saturday morning 7AM.
Today is a busy day, with many exciting speakers.

I will be part of the “State Legislative Affairs Briefing” panel that will be speaking from 9:45 to 10:30 a.m. I will also be part of a question and answer session at 10:45.

Saturday 11:45AM
This morning’s agenda was packed with federal and state issues. I’ll have more commentary later.

The highlight was NRA Executive President, Wayne LaPierre’s speech. For those who didn’t see it live, the emotion in the room was contagious. There is not doubt that we, the gun community are, and will continue to be on the offensive.
Saturday 6:30PM
Many good speakers this afternoon, including Dr. Timothy Wheeler (Doctors for Sensible Gun Laws - who talked about the Joyce Foundation, their money and their influence, Michael Sabbeth, Esq. a Colorado and NRA President Sandra Froman who discussed the importance of our involvement in the selection process of Federal Judges, most notable the Supreme Court Justices.

What a day. I’m sorry I have written so little – I assure you I have listened a lot. Next year, SAF will be hosting their GRPC on September 22-24 in Charlotte, North Carolina. A little closer to home, and well worth the trip.

It is surprising to me how many people have followed Ohio and our battle to get concealed carry. A few people expressed some jealousy because we are now working on improvements, and they are still trying to pass a CCW law. Even after hearing our problems, they reply, “Yea, but you have a law.” Trust me; everyone here in California would gladly trade us problems. I made no such deal.

Like all gun events I have attended, the people I have met are great people to be around. All walks of life, all ages, different social and economic backgrounds – but a common cause, and a common set of core beliefs.

Sunday 1:00PM
This morning’s panels included directors, producers, media, and legal issues.

Our last speaker today was Senator Larry Craig, R-Idaho. Speaking to many people who are frustrated by their Senators Feinstein and Boxer, he advised them to keep writing and calling and politely discussing our issues. They count the number of contacts that are made on important issues, and you want to be counted. The same applies to our Senators DeWine and Voinovich.

This conference was well worth my time to attend, and I look forward to bringing back some lessons and information to Buckeye Firearms and working with you to build our grassroots network to be a more powerful and effective force shaping the laws that govern Ohio.

Related Stories:
Lessons from GRPC: Reaching out to other constituencies

Lessons from GRPC: "Expanding Gun Ownership"

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