O'Connor vs. Black: How We Chose

We realize that our endorsement of Lt. Gov. Maureen O'Connor may raise eyebrows with those disappointed with the Taft administration for its failure to act on its campaign promise to enact Conceal Carry Reform.

This was not a decision we made lightly, nor quickly. Before making our decision, we completed extensive research. We have consulted with proven, trusted pro-CCW legislators who have worked with her administration and who know her personally. And we have spoken personally with the Lt. Gov. about our concerns.

Following is a detailed analysis of the reasons behind our decision to support Lt. Gov. Maureen O'Connor over Tim Black. Please consider carefully.

It has been said that at the end of the money trail lies the answer to any question. We have evaluated contributor lists for the four Supreme Court candidates. A large portion of contributions for liberal candidates Black and Burnside are coming from Trial Lawyers.

According the Secretary of State's data, Stan Chesley has personally given Tim Black $2,000, his law firm has given $10,000. Chesley, who has hosted fund raisers for both Clinton and Gore in his home, is leading the fight on the Cincinnati Gun manufacturer's law suit.

And thus we can better know liberal candidate Tim Black by the company he keeps.

We believe this issue is even larger than the Conceal Carry Reform issue (but it certainly pertains to CCW). The current 4-3 liberal slant on the Court has time and again resulted in the kind of judicial activism that ruled the Pledge of Allegiance unconstitutional.

Not only for the good of those who support Conceal Carry Reform, but for the good of the state of Ohio, we are committed to helping elect candidates committed to ruling on Constitutional law, rather than legislating from the bench.

On her campaign website, Lt. Governor Maureen O'Connor reinforces her belief that "judges should limit themselves to interpreting the law and the Constitution, and should leave policy debates where they belong - in the legislature."

In explaining their decision to endorse O'Connor, the Plain Dealer points out that opponent Tim Black "launched this race by promising to preserve "labor's seat" on the court. He now says his mouth got ahead of his brain, but judging from other signals he's sent, maybe Black was simply telling the truth."

This fall's Supreme Court elections will have considerable bearing on the Conceal Carry Reform law that is currently being considered in the Senate. Whether or not Conceal Carry Reform is approved by the 124th General Assembly, the outcome is bound to have further constitutional challenges in the courts. Thus, the makeup of the Ohio Supreme Court is crucial. We need a Court committed to the Constitution, and we are convinced that a Justice Maureen O'Connor will rule on the law, rather than liberal politics.

In citing her experience, one may expect that we're basing our endorsement on O'Connor's long record of experience with criminal and civil law, as a Prosecutor, Magistrate, and a Judge. And while we do recognize her work experience, the kind we cite is more close to home:

For four years, as an prosecuting attorney and thus a de facto member of law enforcement in the State of Ohio, O'Connor was legally allowed to carry a concealed handgun for self-defense. She trained for and completed a self-defense/ firearms/ shooting course, and was awarded her legal right to carry. O'Connor cites her own experience with exercising her right to self-defense as important in measuring her understanding of the benefits Conceal Carry Reform offers Ohio's citizens.

We have consulted with proven, trusted pro-CCW legislators who have worked with O'Connor personally, and who have spoken with her directly on this issue. By all accounts, Ohio's strongest and most influential pro-CCW legislators believe that Lt. Gov. Maureen O'Connor will better serve the Ohio Constitution, with regard to Conceal Carry Reform, than would her opposition.

It is for these reasons that we are proud to endorse Lt. Gov. Maureen O'Connor's candidacy for Ohio Supreme Court.

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