Obama wants your guns ... but here's a simple way you can help us stop him.
Please read this carefully. The future of your gun rights is on the line. It is imperative that you understand and help us prepare for this looming threat.
On November 4, 2008, American gun owners watched as their worst nightmare came true. Rising from one of the nation's most corrupt political machines, a young, inexperienced, anti-gun senator won the presidency.
His name is Barack Hussein Obama. And he brings with him a hand-picked crew of gun haters who are breathing new life into the tired, failed schemes of anti-gunners and energizing a Democrat-controlled Congress who distrust ordinary Americans with firearms.
But you can help us stop him. CLICK HERE NOW to become a Buckeye Firearms Defender.
While you've already helped us rack up victory after victory, we now face the possibility of an onslaught of liberty crushing attacks on our rights the likes of which have never been seen in American history.
Obama is the single most anti-gun politician to ever win the office of President. In his brief political career, he has consistency worked to trash the Second Amendment and rip guns from the hands of law-abiding citizens by endorsing handgun bans, supporting the elimination of concealed carry nationwide, and voting to allow punitive lawsuits intended to bankrupt the firearms industry.
Now Obama will occupy the Oval Office, with Joe Biden (the man who wrote the failed Assault Weapons Ban) and a posse of dedicated gun grabbers. The votes had barely been counted when his transition Web site revealed his intentions to ...
- reinstate and expand the federal Assault Weapons Ban
- repeal the Tiahrt Amendment and allow anti-gun activists to sue gun dealers and manufacturers out of existence
- mandate criminal background checks for ALL firearm transfers, including private transactions
- force gun manufacturers to include unproven and astronomically expensive "child-safe" features on newly-manufactured firearms
With the enthusiastic support of a Democrat Congress led by Nancy Pelosi, Obama is also likely to establish a permanent database of gun purchase records on Federal computers, nominate anti-gun Supreme Court justices, enact a strict and far-reaching ammunition ban, increase the federal excise tax on guns and ammunition, and who knows what else.
Our battle plan ...
We must begin preparing NOW for the battles ahead. So, we urgently need you to become a Buckeye Firearms Defender NOW.
As a Defender, you will help us educate the public, support pro-gun friends in the legislature, and sway future elections in favor of more liberty for Ohio gun owners, hunters, and sportsmen.
We've already been successful at this when the wind was at our backs. But now the sky is filling with clouds and a storm is coming. To be successful in the future, we need significant financial support.
To be blunt, we need thousands of dollars a month for mailings, literature, events, gun shows, and more. But we won't ask you for thousands or even hundreds. In fact, we won't ask you for $100, $80, $60, or even $40 a month.
All we ask is that you pledge a mere $5 a month. That's little enough that you probably won't miss it, but when added to the $5 of our many other supporters, it will give us the financial muscle we need to stand firm on gun rights in the Buckeye State.
> > > Click here to donate just $5 a month and become an official Buckeye Firearms Defender.
As a Defender, you will make a significant and ongoing difference in our ability to fight for your rights. Many supporters donate $10 or $25 or more every month like clockwork. But you need only pledge $5 a month to join the ranks of Ohio's elite gun-rights Defenders.
Will you help us? We can't do it without you. And if you don't want to see the grinning faces of John (pretend hunter) Kerry, Chuck (sue gun manufacturers) Schumer, Joe (assault weapons ban) Biden, and other gun-hating politicians on the evening news celebrating at your expense, you need to act now.
> > > CLICK HERE NOW to become a Buckeye Firearms Defender.
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