Videos on Guns, Gun Rights, and Gun Control
Here is a collection of videos related to guns, gun rights, and gun control. Just click on the link to go to the page with the video you want to watch. Have you seen a video on YouTube or elsewhere you think we should post here? Let us know through our contact form.
- concealed carry options ccw
- jack weaver and his shooting stance
- 2A Today for the USA
- Fight Realistic and Practical Tactics for Concealed Carry
- Advanced Pistol Fighting Preview
- Why Do They Want Our Arms?
- Close Range Self Defense Shooting
- Shooting on the Move
- England Gun Ban Update
- Basic AR 15 Rifle Operation
- A Womans Right To Choose Self Defense
- Deer Hunting with Outdoor Ohio
- Criminals-Support-Gun-Control
- John McCain on the Second Amendment
- Gun Free Zone Get Yours Today
- Gun Free Zones Kill People
- Todd Jarrett on pistol shooting
- Sarah Palin Answers Questions About Gun rights
- BFA VP Chad Baus at 9.12 (2009) TEA Party Event
- BFA Central OH Chair Linda Walker at 2009 TEA Party Event
- The truth about gun free zones
- The Time Of Their Lives - Pheasants Forever Youth Day
- Democratic VP candidate Sen. Joe Biden thinks gun owner should have his head examined
- Those Pesky Assault Weapons
- AR-15 Field Strip Tutorial
- Selecting a handgun
- The Anatomy of Gun Control
- Open Carry on Nightline
- Supreme Court Overturns Gun Ban
- CBS News on Heller v. DC
- DC v Heller on Glenn Beck
- Restoration of the Second Amendment (part one)
- Restoration of the Second Amendment (part two)
- Rabbit Hunting with Outdoor Ohio
- The Cost of Gun Control
- Ted Nugent Has a Message For Gun Grabbers!
- The Truth About the Right to Carry
- John Stossel reveals the truth about guns and crime
- Assault weapons vs. semi automatic guns
- The Truth About Ballistic Fingerprinting
- The shocking history of gun control
- Katrina Gun Confiscation: The Untold Story
- In Search of the Second Amendment
- Alan Keyes on the Second Amendment and gun rights
- Suzanna Gratia Hupp tells horrifying story about the murder of her parents
- Charlton Heston: From my cold, dead hands!
- Brady Campaign Lies - Part 1 of 3
- Brady Campaign Lies - Part 2 of 3
- Brady Campaign Lies - Part 3 of 3
- Charlton Heston: 1989 NRA Annual Meeting - Part 1 of 3
- Charlton Heston: 1989 NRA Annual Meeting - Part 2 of 3
- Charlton Heston: 1989 NRA Annual Meeting - Part 3 of 3
- NRA: Great UN Gun Debate - Part 1 of 4
- NRA: Great UN Gun Debate - Part 2 of 4
- NRA: Great UN Gun Debate - Part 3 of 4
- NRA: Great UN Gun Debate - Part 4 of 4
- The best Second Amendment lecture Part I of III
- The best Second Amendment lecture Part II of III
- The best Second Amendment lecture Part II of III
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