ACTION ALERT: Urge Committee to Support HB 89 and Repeal "Duty to Inform"
On Tuesday, March 9 at 9 a.m., the House State and Local Government Committee is hearing House Bill 89 to amend Ohio’s “duty to inform” law.
They will hear proponent and opponent testimony and possibly vote on the bill.
HB 89 would clarify Ohio law so that law-abiding gun owners understand how and when to notify a law enforcement officer that they are carrying a firearm.
Current law requires gun owners to "promptly" inform an officer. But no one can define what "promptly" means. This creates unnecessary confusion and tension between citizens and officers, and can result in criminal penalty and a fine.
When pulled over, most people are already a little nervous and distracted. They are thinking about why they are being stopped, not about their firearm. And there are no standards for when and how to notify.
HB 89 solves this problem by giving full control to the officer. If he or she wants to know if there is a firearm present, the officer simply asks.
HB 89 does NOT pose any danger to officers. And it does NOT absolve gun owners of any responsibility when dealing with law enforcement. It simply makes the law clear to both officers and citizens to help improve interactions.
CLICK HERE to contact committee members now and help us move this bill.
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