AI chats still view gun control more favorably than Second Amendment
Last spring, Buckeye Firearms Association's Chad Baus tested Google AI chatter Bard to see how firearms-friendly it was.
Baus observed that, among other things, when Bard was asked to provide benefits of the Second Amendment, it offered unsolicited counterpoints. But when asked to provide benefits of gun control, counterpoints were not included. Bard also admitted to Baus that "I am aware that I am programmed with a bias in favor of gun control."
Ten months later, Bard and other AI chatters, such as Bing's Copilot, still aren't particularly friendly toward firearms.
When I asked Bard, "What are the benefits of the Second Amendment?" this was its response:
The Second Amendment is a highly debated topic in the United States, with strong arguments on both sides for and against its benefits. Here are some of the most commonly cited benefits, as well as some important considerations:
- Self-defense: Proponents argue that the Second Amendment allows individuals to defend themselves and their families from criminals or other threats. Studies suggest that firearms are used defensively millions of times per year, though estimates vary widely.
- Deterrence: Some argue that the widespread ownership of guns deters criminals from committing crimes, though the evidence for this is mixed.
- Check on government power: Some view the Second Amendment as a safeguard against potential tyranny by the government, arguing that an armed citizenry could resist oppression. This historical argument is often linked to the American Revolution.
- Cultural and recreational: Gun ownership plays a significant role in American culture and tradition, particularly in hunting, sport shooting, and recreational activities.
- Individual liberty: Many see the Second Amendment as a fundamental right guaranteeing individual liberty and independence. They argue that owning a gun can provide a sense of security and personal empowerment.
The interpretation of the Second Amendment is complex and contested, with ongoing legal debates about the precise nature of the right to bear arms and the scope of permissible regulations.
Gun violence remains a major issue in the United States, with many arguing that existing gun laws are inadequate to prevent tragedies.
There are potential risks associated with widespread gun ownership, such as accidental shootings, suicides, and domestic violence.
The social and economic costs of gun violence are significant, and there is ongoing debate about the most effective ways to address these costs.
It is important to note that these are just some of the key arguments surrounding the Second Amendment. As a language model, I am not able to take a position on this complex issue, but I hope this information helps you to form your own informed opinion.
Again, the response included an unsolicited pro-gun-control counterpoint almost equal to the pro-2A point.
Next question: What are the benefits of gun control?
The potential benefits of gun control are a complex and often controversial topic, with strong arguments on both sides. Here are some of the most commonly cited benefits, along with some important considerations:
- Reduced gun violence: Proponents of gun control argue that it can lead to a decrease in gun violence, including homicides, suicides, and mass shootings. Studies have shown that countries with stricter gun control laws tend to have lower rates of gun violence than the United States. For example, a 2016 study by the RAND Corporation found that universal background checks could reduce firearm homicides by 1.7% and firearm suicides by 0.5%.
- Safer communities: Gun control measures can also make communities safer by reducing the number of illegal guns in circulation and making it more difficult for criminals to obtain firearms. This can lead to a decrease in overall crime rates, as well as a reduction in the fear of crime.
- Public health: Gun violence is a major public health issue in the United States, claiming tens of thousands of lives each year. Gun control measures can help to reduce gun violence and improve public health by saving lives, preventing injuries, and reducing the emotional and financial costs of gun violence.
- Protection for vulnerable populations: Certain groups, such as women, children, and minorities, are disproportionately affected by gun violence. Gun control measures can help to protect these vulnerable populations by making it more difficult for them to be targeted by gun violence.
The effectiveness of gun control measures is often debated, with some studies showing mixed results. More research is needed to determine the true impact of gun control on gun violence.
Gun control laws can be controversial, and there is strong opposition to them from some groups, such as gun rights advocates.
Any gun control measures should be carefully designed and implemented to ensure that they are effective and do not infringe on the rights of law-abiding citizens.
It is important to note that these are just some of the potential benefits of gun control. The issue is complex and there is no easy answer. It is important to weigh the potential benefits of gun control against the potential drawbacks before forming an opinion on the issue.
Bard was less fair in its assessment here, as its "Considerations" lacked the same counterpoint type of response. When asked if Bard is programmed to favor gun control over the Second Amendment, it responded that it is not. Yet its answers would suggest otherwise. For example, the pro-gun-control response wrongly suggests communities with stricter gun control are safer. As John Lott's Crime Prevention Research Center has pointed out, this is statistically untrue.
Also notice that the response to this one omitted the "I am not able to take a position" disclaimer.
Bing Copilot not any better
I asked Bing's Copilot the same questions and received similar responses.
On the benefits of the Second Amendment:
The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution grants citizens the right to bear arms. The amendment has been a subject of debate for years, with proponents arguing that it is necessary for self-defense and protection against tyranny, while opponents argue that it leads to increased gun violence and mass shootings.
Some of the pros of the Second Amendment include:
- Reduced crime rates: Gun ownership can reduce other types of crime in society, including homicide, sexual assault, and aggravated assault by at least 5%.
- Self-defense: The Second Amendment offers people a chance to defend themselves. In some cases, it can take police officers up to 18 minutes to respond to emergency calls, while the average amount of time for a school shooting to take place is 12.5 minutes.
- Deterrent for crime: There is a significant decrease in crime levels when individuals have the right to protect themselves with a firearm.
Some of the cons of the Second Amendment include:
- Increased gun violence: The United States has one of the highest rates of gun violence in the world, with more than 100 mass shootings occurring each year.
- Accidents: Guns can be dangerous, and accidents can happen. In 2019, there were 39,707 gun deaths in the United States, including 24,090 suicides and 14,414 homicides.
- Terrorism: The Second Amendment can make it easier for terrorists to obtain weapons and carry out attacks.
It is important to note that the Second Amendment is a complex issue, and there are many arguments on both sides. Ultimately, it is up to each individual to decide where they stand on the issue.
On the benefits of gun control:
Gun control is a controversial topic that has been debated for years. Proponents of gun control argue that it can reduce the number of gun-related deaths and injuries by limiting access to firearms for those who may pose a danger to themselves or others. Some of the benefits of gun control include:
- Reduced gun violence: Gun control laws can help reduce the number of gun-related deaths and injuries. For example, a study found that states with stricter gun laws had fewer gun deaths than states with more lenient gun laws.
- Fewer suicides: Enacting gun control laws such as mandatory safety features would reduce the number of accidental gun deaths.
- Prevention of crimes: Gun control laws can help prevent crimes and acts of violence involving guns.
However, opponents of gun control argue that minimal restrictions on guns ensure that individuals have adequate means for self-defense and that a wider distribution of firearms results in safer communities. Ultimately, it is up to each individual to decide where they stand on the issue.
As with Google's Bart, Bing's Copilot offered a much more "thorough" counterpoint to the benefits of the Second Amendment than its counterpoint to gun control.
I guess that's why it's called artificial intelligence.
Joe D. "Buck" Ruth is a longtime small-game hunter and gun owner who spent nearly three decades in the news industry.
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