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Akron Beacon Journal/ OFCC PAC endorse Mary Taylor (R) for House 43

Republican Mary Taylor is seeking to replace term-limited Twyla Roman in Ohio House, District 43. Both OFCC PAC and the Akron Beacon Journal endorse her.

In the newspaper's words, Taylor "is regarded as knowledgeable, committed and articulate. A certified public accoutant with a master's degree in accounting, Taylor specializes in business and tax consulting. Taylor would add an independent-minded, professional perspective.

Her opponent's "experience in politics has not been without its flaws. On key economic development issues, his grasp falls short of his opponent. The edge belongs to Taylor."

OFCC PAC has evaluated Taylor and her opponent. We found that Taylor is committed to being a strong advocate for Conceal Carry Reform and self-defense rights in the Ohio House.

OFCC PAC believes her election will ensure continued strong support for Ohio CCW initiatives in the House.

The 43rd House District is in southern Summit and Portage counties.

Read the full endorsement in the Akron Beacon Journal.

All indications point to this as a very close race, where doing a little can help a lot!

Mary Taylor needs your help in this KEY RACE!

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