Anti-gun and Anti-Hunting Radicals Attack U.S. Trap Shooter
Corey Cogdell is a two time U.S. Olympian. She shoots trap--and she is one of the best in the world.
She is also a big game hunter. And she has been pretty successful at that as well.
But when it was publicized as a part of her Olympic bio that she is a hunter, hunting opponents showed their true nature in a series of vile and violent tweets.
Here are just a few:
"I hope that someone someday shoot your whole familly just practicing."
"please go shoot yourself in the knees. YOU ANIMAL MURDERER!! you're a disgusting human being."
"kill yourself please ! (sic)"
"I really hope the olympic games do something about this murderer. sad, so sad maybe she needs to feel a shoot to understand (sic),"
"These ppl need to be shot deheaded and posted on a wall (sic),"
This is just a sampling of the attacks made by people who claim to have compassion, but are really just ignorant, intolerant, hate-filled radicals. The venomous attacks by anti-hunting extremists reveal more about them than about the hunters who contribute more to conserve our wildlife than anyone else.
Fortunately, fans, including hunters and gun owners, rose to Ms. Cogdell's defense. Many posted their support, for which Ms. Cogdell was very appreciative. "I am so touched by the outpouring of support I have received in the last few days from everyone on here," she tweeted. "Love all my friends & fans!"
© 2012 National Rifle Association of America. Institute for Legislative Action. This may be reproduced. It may not be reproduced for commercial purposes.
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