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Democrat councilwoman confronted with vote on Mentel Ban while stumping

In a story about how Republicans for Columbus City Council are working largely grassroots campaigns, the Columbus Dispatch is reporting that one Democrat incumbent who hit the streets to campaign was confronted over her vote for the Columbus Assault Weapons (or Mentel) Ban...

    [Democrat Councilwoman Mary Jo] Hudson, her friends, her supporters, and her parents and their friends have spent the past six weeks knocking on doors.

    Most people take the flier and smile politely. A few ask questions, rarely about things the City Council controls.

    One man did complain about the assault-weapons ban the council passed this summer.

    "The ban doesn’t make any sense," he said. "What do they think, criminals will register their weapon?"

    Hudson quietly listened before saying she voted for it because the ban had Fraternal Order of Police support.

In other words, Hudson makes it clear she threw logic out the window because a labor union said "jump".

Unfortunately for Columbus, Republican challengers are facing an uphill battle when it comes to finances.

    The three Democrats have raised $245,506 since June 4, according to campaign-finance reports filed Thursday. The three Republicans — Clark, Eddie Pauline and Phil Harmon — raised a little more than $40,000. That did not include the $50,000 that Harmon, who was not endorsed by the party, lent his own campaign.

Phil Harmon and Eddie Pauline are both 2005 Buckeye Firearms Association endorsees. If you live in the greater-Columbus area, please consider donating a few hours of time to help their campaigns this week. As the pro-gun community has proven many times, grassroots volunteerism can outweigh cash from anti-gunners time and again.

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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.