Campaign spokesman: Doug White on Betty Montgomery's short-list for Lt. Gov.
The Columbus Dispatch is reporting that anti-self-defense Betty Montgomery is trying to dampen rumors she will pull out of the race for the GOP nomination for governor by announcing that she has begun vetting candidates to become her running mate. For those who followed the intense battle to pass Ohio's concealed carry law (HB12), and those who have been forced to endure some of the most ridiculous provisions in the bill that eventually became law, one name on Montgomery's list is likely to raise even more questions about the viability of this campaign.
From the story:
- During the past four weeks, Montgomery campaign aides have interviewed Commerce Director Doug White and state Sen. Jay Hottinger of Newark and plan to discuss the lieutenant governor spot with at least four others, according a source close to the campaign.
It was just under a year ago that White accepted an appointment from Bob Taft to the job of state Dept. of Commerce Director. White’s appointment to some state government job had been anticipated ever since he and a few other term-limited Republicans refused to commit to a veto-override in the state Senate on a concealed-carry bill in 2003. The reason they refused? Because they were looking for, in White's own words, "life after the legislature" – cushy job appointments from Taft.
Of his own appearance on Montgomery's list, pro-gun Sen. Jay Hottinger noted he is considering many options after term-limits force him out of the state Senate...
Click on the "Read More..." link below for more.
Again, from the story:
- Hottinger also has talked with top gubernatorial campaign aides for Secretary of State J. Kenneth Blackwell about being No. 2 on a Blackwell ticket. Forced by the eight-year term limitation to leave the Senate at the end of 2006, Hottinger said he also is considering a run in 2006 for the 71st District Ohio House seat he once held. The current occupant, Rep. David Evans, R-Newark, must leave at the end of 2006 because of term limits.
"It's a safe assumption that I'll be running for office next year," Hottinger said. "We're in the process of talking with different people about different options."
Mark R. Weaver, Montgomery’s campaign spokesman, told the Dispatch, "Our hope is to announce our lieutenant governor candidate before the end of the year."
Clearly Sen. Hottinger is wanting to make clear that he is not going to let the Montgomery campaign having dropped his name pigeon-hole him.
And for his part, the Dispatch reports that Doug White was "unavailable for comment".
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Click here to hear White explain why he was unable to find the votes to beat a threatened Taft veto on Ohio's Concealed Carry Reform bill. The 4 minute report was filed by Ohio Public Radio on December 17, 2003.
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