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House votes to close media access to CHL records

By Jim Irvine

The Ohio House of Representative passed a public records bill today - House Bill 9. A floor amendment was made by Representative Brinkman (R-34) to allow people with a concealed handgun license (CHL's) to protect their personal information from the media who has abused their access by printing lists of license holders, yet has never used the information for any of the public good they claimed they needed the access for.

After the amendment passed, the bill was passed on the House floor, sending it to the Ohio Senate.

There will be much coverage by the media about this bill in the coming days, and while all this bill does is allow those who have been victims of rape or domestic violence or are LEO's or have others with real needs to protect their identity, expect many in the media to cry that the sky is falling. If this is the way they treat victims of the most heinous crimes, one wonders what possible good could come from giving them access to any CHL information.

Buckeye Firearms thanks all those representatives who voted for this important amendment, and commends the good leadership of Speaker Husted who allowed the legislature to vote on this issue.

Media Coverage:

Associated Press:

Canton Repository:

Chillicothe Gazette:

Cleveland Plain Dealer:

Columbus Dispatch:

Dayton Daily News:

Middletown Journal:

Mt. Vernon News:

Toledo Blade:


More surely to follow and will be added here...

Related Stories:

Taft veto-threat kills first attempt to close Media Access Loophole

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