Rudy Giuliani: Gun manufacturers knowingly calculate sales to illegal market
By Chad D. Baus
A video of then-Mayor Rudy Giuliani has been posted at YouTube with the following caption:
- On June 23, 2000 [New York City Mayor] Rudy Giuliani tried to justifiy the gun industry lawsuit to a concerned citizen.
Giuliani claims that gun manufacturers overproduce firearms. Giuliani claims that most police officers are in favor of gun control. Giuliani claims that gun control reduced New York City crime. Giuliani blames the rest of the country for having lax gun laws which let people buy guns elsewhere and bring them into the city.
Compare this to the claims currently being made on Giuliani's Presidential campaign website:
- Rudy Giuliani is a strong supporter of the Second Amendment.
The simple fact is that the extremist gun control agenda coming out of New York City did not start with current Mayor Michael Bloomberg, and it is up to gun owners everywhere to make sure it does not end up in the White House in 2008.
Thanks to John Lott for alerting gun owners to this link via his blog.
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