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Attorney General's "Violent Crime with Guns Advisory Group" meets again; DeWine's goal is to "deep six" violent offenders

The Ohio News Network is reporting that the office of Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine held another meeting of the Violent Crime with Guns Advisory Group on Wednesday, December 7.

The group gathered at DeWine's office to look at the statewide numbers and search for solutions.

From the article:

Ohio State University professor Deanna Wilkinson and other members of the Violent Crimes with Guns Advisory Group met to discuss gun violence across the state, ONN's Denise Alex reported.

..."It's not going to be a one size fits all for every part of Ohio and you need to tailor the response to the problem," Wilkinson said.

Wilkinson said that black males account for about 70% of gun violence.

"We know that they primarily are living in urban counties and have had more than four prior convictions," Wilkinson said.

Attorney General Mike DeWine hopes studying the stats will result in taking action.

"You have to literally deep six the most violent people in your society and just separate them from the rest of us," said DeWine. "That's the only way we're going to be safe."

According to the article, the study found that of the top 11 Ohio counties with the most convictions, 25% came out of Cuyahoga County, 12% from Hamilton County and 10% from Franklin County.

Commander James Chura, Cleveland police department, is quoted as saying he would support legislation that would "get some advanced penalties for these guys and keep them locked up. The ones that are the violent offenders offend over and over again."

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