Avon Lake councilman to replace Manning in 57th District

House Republicans are expected to elect Earl Martin, a three-term Avon Lake
City councilman, to replace former state Rep. Jeffrey Manning in the 57th
House District. Mr. Manning, an OFCC PAC endorsee, resigned his seat last month to accept appointment as Lorain County prosecutor.

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Earl Martin was the choice of a screening committee of the Republican caucus. The chamber's 61 other Republicans will formally vote on his nomination, but the appointment is virtually assured. He is expected to be sworn in on Tuesday, Speaker Larry Householder said.

"Earl Martin offers several years of practical business experience and dedicated public service,'' Householder said.

Martin, who is in his third term on the council, owns Martin's Corner Deli and is a property developer and rental manager. He said he was pleased by the decision.

“It was a great group of candidates,” he said. “I thought several of us could have represented the district. I’m honored they decided I could have the job. There were a number of highly experienced, good Republicans, and it was an honor to be chosen.”

“I hope that my experience in serving the public through my retail business and other business will act as a conduit at the state level to represent the constituents well.”

Martin is traveling to Columbus this weekend to acquaint himself with state issues.

Click here to read the entire story in the Elyria Chronicle-Telegram.

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