Brady Campaign's A+ rated candidate arrested...for gun trafficking
As highlighted on Friday's Rush Limbaugh show:
"I want to show you something on the Dittocam. The NRA already out with an ad in California about San Francisco Democrat Leland Yee, and I want to hold this up to you. I'm gonna describe it 'cause those of you who don't have the Dittocam are not gonna be able to see it. It's a picture, billboard shaped, of a smiling, happy San Francisco Democrat Leland Yee. On the left side under his face it says "State Senator" in red, "2006: A+ Rated by the Brady Campaign, a national gun control group.
"On the right side of his face as you look at this: "2014: Arrested by the FBI for Trafficking Firearms." Are you ready? There is the ad. Now, that is how you do it. The NRA is already out. Is that not a perfect-looking billboard? There you have San Francisco Democrat Leland Yee."
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