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Buckeye Firearms Association's Sean Maloney to guest host radio program on four upcoming dates

Buckeye Firearms Association Region Leader Sean Maloney has been invited to guest host WBZI 1500 AM's "Class Country Outdoors" radio program.

In addition to answering questions on topics raised by listeners who phone in, Maloney will address issues such as:

  • Legislative efforts to protect and improve gun rights at the state and federal level
  • What can happen if a CHL holder fires his weapon in an incident.... what can he expect from police, courts, lawyers etc... what should he do and what should he not do and what could be penalties?
  • Selecting a CHL course, instructor and selecting a defense handgun, holster, ammo and how to practice.
  • Traveling on vacation with a handgun
  • And much, much more...

Maloney's first show aired November 11. Upcoming show dates are:

- December 2
- December 23
- January 20
- February 10

The one hour radio program is broadcast live Sundays at noon on AM 1500 WBZI Xenia, AM 1130 WEDI Dayton, AM 1090 WKFI Wilmington, and is streamed on the Internet at

Sean Maloney is a Buckeye Firearms Association Region Leader, a Second Amendment Rights attorney in West Chester, OH, an NRA Benefactor Lifetime Member, NRA Election Volunteer Coordinator for Ohio's 8th Congressional District, an active NRA Instructor, currently serves on the "Grassroots Development" committee of the National Rifle Association and received the NRA's 2011 "Jay M. Littlefield Volunteer of the Year Award."

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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.