Castle Doctrine: Interested party hearing in Senate brings out the gun ban extremists
Wednesday was another great day for pro-gun, pro-self-defense, and good people of Ohio. SB184, known as Castle Doctrine, received a third hearing and the anti-gun, anti-self defense, anti-crime victim social do-gooders had their say. While anyone would have a hard time explaining and defending their view of the world, the people they chose looked more inept than ever.
Jeremy Burnside represented himself as speaking on behalf of the Ohio Association for Justice (formerly the Ohio Academy of Trial Lawyers), but made no mention of his extremist anti-gun advocacy. Burnside set a new example for "how not to present a case." Senators Grendell, Faber, Stivers and Mason took turns asking questions while Burnside screwed himself deeper and deeper into a nonsensical hole.
Burnside came in with seven hypothetical situations (including girl scouts are going to be gunned down while selling cookies) that were so laughably bad and off point it became uncomfortable and embarrassing listening to him. It seems he has never seen the inside of a courtroom. He feels that even when no one has evidence you have done anything wrong, other citizens (read criminals) need to be able to sue victims (or anyone else) anyway.
Toby Hoover, who fronts what often appears to be a one-woman show at the Ohio Coalition Against Gun Violence, was her typical self. She was confronted with the question from Sen. Grendell, "You've never been right before. Why should we believe you now?" and immediately responded by saying she has never, ever predicted any mayhem. Never. Nope. Not her. Never mind that was the extent of her testimony just prior to the questioning, and never mind that history clearly proves otherwise (In 2001, Toby Hoover told the Cincinnati Post "A person who has a gun sees danger. We will have more shootings, more accidents."). It's good to see the Senators realize that she has no credibility on issues important to us.
Testifying in support of SB184 was David Johnson, President of the Ohio Rifle & Pistol Association (download testimony here in .pdf format). It was a good sign to see them actively working in the Statehouse and we look forward to working together in the future.
Randy Van Fossan of People's Rights Organization testified in support of the bill, as did one other individual citizen.
Due to the large amount of testimony on other bills heard before SB184, the committee was unable to hear from others whom are waiting to testify. It is expected that the committee will resume hearing testimony on SB184 next week.
The testimony of our adversaries illustrates again that our only formidable enemies are our fellow gun owners who do not join us. Our success is only limited by how well and how often we communicate with our legislators.
We thank all those who joined us at the Statehouse Wednesday to show support for our legislation.
Media coverage:
Castle Doctrine Debate
- "If someone breaks down your door and intrudes in your home you should not have the legal burden to prove that you acted in self defense," said Ken Hanson of the Buckeye Firearms Association. (FOX 8 video)
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