A Chance To Make A Difference In Cleveland
By Chris Chumita
The City of Cleveland has a long anti-gun history. Prior to the successful passage of HB347, Cleveland imposed just about every anti-gun law possible. From gun registration to a so-called "assault weapons" ban, Cleveland had them all.
On March 14th, HB347 became law, and it made the gun laws uniform throughout the state. However, Cleveland saw this as an opportunity to flex their anti-gun muscles and are challenging HB347 in court.
Recently, Michael Dolan, Councilman for Ward 21, resigned from city council. Since there was more than a year left in his term, a special election must be held in order to replace him. Dolan quickly appointed a possibly anti-gun candidate to be his replacement until the election. However, the other candidate is pro-gun, pro self-defense, and his victory could begin the process of changing Cleveland's anti-gun culture.
If you live in Cleveland's Ward 21, vote for freedom. Vote for your gun rights. Vote for Charles Peter Pluto on July 3rd!
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Charles Peter Pluto has a solid background that would make him an effective councilman and a powerful ally. He served in the United States Army, and is currently an engineer.
Charles Peter Pluto's educational background is also impressive. He holds a Master's Degree in Regional Planning, a B.A. in Political Science, and is a certified Ohio Professional Engineer.
Based upon his answers on the Buckeye Firearms Association's Candidate's Survey, Charles Peter Pluto is a solid, pro-gun candidate, and he opposes Cleveland's challenge of HB 347. When asked if he would vocally oppose the lawsuit, he wrote:
“…the Right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be abridged.” That is pretty plain English written by people who were very serious about their freedom. Although some regulation-such as preventing felons from keeping and bearing arms-makes sense, the Right of the People must always be our guiding principle.
I can see the mayor’s point in suing only to the extent that he is trying to promote Cleveland’s autonomy under Ohio “home rule.”
But, I believe that the city is properly subject to Ohio law, particularly in matters of civil rights. The city should immediately drop the suit against HB347. And yes, I will vocally oppose that suit.
Not only is Charles Peter Pluto an avid supporter of our gun rights, but he also strongly belives in our right of self-defense. In regards to Cleveland's recent high profile self-defense shooting, Charles Peter Pluto felt that the city did not respond appropriately. When asked about how the City of Cleveland should respond to a self-defense shooting, he wrote:
Cleveland must commend, protect, and foster people who legitimately defend themselves.
His opponent, Martin J. Keane, started off being friendly, expressed some pro-gun views, and agreed to complete a survey. However, he never returned the survey and he no longer returns any of our phone calls.
This is our chance to make a difference in Cleveland. If you live in Cleveland's Ward 21, vote for Charles Peter Pluto on July 3rd!
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