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Cincinnati Post/ OFCC PAC endorse Robert Schuler (R) for Senate 7

Competing to succeed the term-limited Senate majority leader Richard Finan (R) are two markedly different candidates: Robert Schuler, a Republican, and Tony Fischer, a Democrat.

Both OFCC PAC and the Cincinnati Post believe Schuler is clearly the better choice.

In the newspaper's own words, "Schuler has broad experience and a good reputation. In 1992, he was elected to the first of what would be four two-year terms in the Ohio House. Forced out by term limits two years ago, he's been biding his time and running the appraisal service he's owned since 1977."

The Post says of his opponent, "Fischer, 24, is making his first run for public office. He has ambitious proposals, but needs to leaven them with a better nuts and bolts understanding of how government works."

OFCC PAC believes Robert Schuler's election will ensure continued strong support for Conceal Carry Reform and self-defense initiatives in the Senate.

Senate District 7 takes in Warren County along with the eastern Hamilton County suburbs.

Read the full endorsement in the Cincinnati Post.

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