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Cleveland Plain Dealer endorses Stratton & O'Connor

In its endorsement of Evelyn Lundberg-Stratton and Lt. Gov. Maureen O'Connor for Ohio Supreme Court, the Cleveland Plain Dealer notes that "Ohio needs judges who are satisfied with their constitutionally defined role."

They point out that Stratton has already proven she understand a Justice's role, pointing out that "she [has] proved reluctant to usurp the legislature's turf. ...In most cases, her conservative approach serves as a welcome brake on the court." The Plain Dealer goes on to stress that "Stratton got the Ohio Bar Association's highest grade."

In explaining their decision to endorse O'Connor, the Plain Dealer points out that opponent Tim Black "is a political chameleon: When this one-time Republican ran for the court in 2000, he billed himself as a progressive. This year, the 49-year-old Black works the word moderate into almost every answer. He launched this race by promising to preserve "labor's seat" on the court. He now says his mouth got ahead of his brain, but judging from other signals he's sent, maybe Black was simply telling the truth."

The Plain Dealer concludes, "our doubts about Black's sincerity tip the choice to the 51-year-old O'Connor. ...She has solid grounding in judicial issues. She understands the realities of what goes on in a courtroom and the real-world impact of what judges decide. The Ohio Supreme Court can use such experience."

Read the full endorsements for Ohio Supreme Court from the Cleveland Plain Dealer.

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