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Cleveland Plain Dealer/ OFCC PAC endorse Dan Trif (R)

Republican Dan Trif is campaigning to unseat incumbent Michael DeBose in the 47th Ohio House District, and both OFCC and the Cleveland Plain Dealer endorse him.

In the newspaper's words, "Dan Trif, a business and political consultant making his first run for elected office, is familiar with both the state's and the district's pressing issues. On each of these issues, he speaks knowledgeably and pledges that he would work diligently to provide active leadership in Columbus."

The 47th District is overwhelmingly Democratic district. But in the Plain Dealer's words, "voters interested in a candidate with a demonstrable work ethic should vote for Trif." They point out that, "shortly after being appointed to an Ohio House seat in February, Trif's opponent Michael DeBose said he had a lot to learn about the workings of state government. Unfortunately, he has not proven to be a quick study."

OFCC PAC has evaluated Trif's position on CCW/self-defense-related issues, and we believe his election will ensure continued strong support for Ohio CCW initiatives in the House.

Read the full endorsement from the Plain Dealer.

District 12 includes Garfield Heights, Maple Heights, Cleveland Wards 1 and 2, and part of Ward 3.

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