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Cleveland Plain Dealer/ OFCC PAC endorse Sally Kilbane (R) for House 16

Republican Sally Kilbane is seeking re-election to represent Ohio House District 16. Both OFCC PAC and the Cleveland Plain Dealer endorse her.

In the newspapers words, "Rep. Sally Conway Kilbane easily numbers among the most constructive members of the Ohio General Assembly."

"It is unfortunate for her opponent that he chose to challenge Kilbane in his first run at public office. Kilbane is simply too good a candidate and should be re-elected."

OFCC PAC has been impressed with Sally Kilbane's voting record on CCW/self-defense-related issues. Her familiarity and experience with HB274, for which she voted yes, ensures continued strong support for Ohio CCW initiatives in the House.

District 16 includes Bay Village, Fairview Park, North Olmsted, Rocky River and Westlake.

Read the entire endorsement in the Cleveland Plain Dealer.

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