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Columbus Dispatch/OFCC PAC Endorse 2 Franklin County Candidates for House

Republican Rep. Larry L. Flowers is seeking re-election to represent Ohio House District 19. Both OFCC PAC and the Columbus Dispatch endorse him.

According to the newspaper, "Flowers is the better choice for the job."

Rep. Larry Wolpert, a Republican from Hilliard, is running unopposed for re-election, this time in the redrawn 23rd District.

The Dispatch points out that "his service to his former district is best characterized as earnest and honest. The Dispatch endorses him for another term."

OFCC PAC has been impressed with both candidates' voting records on CCW/self-defense-related issues. Their familiarity and experience with HB274, for which they voted yes, ensures continued strong support for Ohio CCW initiatives in the House.

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