Columbus Serial Rapist Strikes Fear in Area Women
By Linda Walker
- June 4, 2008, 5:15 AM, Drivemere Ct., Hilliard, suspect: male, 5’6”-5’9”, skinny, less than 160#, suspect had knife.
- September 12, 2008 5:30 AM, Smiley’s Ct., suspect: male, suspect had possible firearm.
- October 1, 2008 4:45 AM, Wakeford St., suspect: male, had “belly”, 5’5”, wearing dark clothing, suspect had knife.
- October 5, 2008 5:00 AM, suspect: White Cedar Ct., suspect: male, 5’7”-5’9”, Hispanic, stocky build, wearing jeans and a hoodie, no indication of weapon.
- October 23, 2008 11:00 PM, Busch Blvd., Suspect: Male, Black, 5’6", stocky build, 190 pounds, wearing a black hoodie with a bandana over his face. Suspect had a handgun.
- October 24, 2008 9:20 PM, King Ave., Suspect: Male, 5’6"-5’7", stocky build, with a bandana over his face. Suspect had a handgun.
- November 2, 2008 early morning hours, Marlowe Ct.

ALL victims of a serial rapist on the loose in Columbus!
Five months, seven known female victims. All white women, most in their 20’s, sleeping alone in their beds. Most in the early hours of the mornings. Five of the six lived in apartments or condominiums, were alone or have small children.
For several months, Columbus women have been terrorized by a madman running loose in the west and northwest quadrant of the city.
All of the victims have given similar accounts of their attacker as far as description, he has kept his face covered while committing the crime, and he has had a knife or gun during most of the attacks.
Columbus police department and the FBI have linked all seven cases through DNA, and similarities in the cases. This information has been entered into the FBI’s Violent Criminal Apprehension Program, which contains a massive database comparing it to all other information in the FBI’s system, in hopes of narrowing the search for the rapist.
Rape remains a large problem in most urban areas. In Columbus alone, in two precincts abutting the “victim zone” referred to as Ohio State University, ten cases last month were reported. This is a very small segment of the City of Columbus. According to Crime Stoppers President Kevin Miles, there were over nine hundred forcible rapes in the Columbus area last year.
Women in the central Ohio area have been awakened to the reality that there are persons (wolves) out there who will do them harm, and they are seeking out self-defense classes in droves.
Crime Stoppers has begun hosting self-defense seminars with topics including “personal safety, verbal self defense, target areas for your attack, basic strikes -- punches, elbows, knees and kicks, basic self-defense -- bear hugs, hair grabs and pulls and how to fight from the ground.”
Other organizations have begun to form similar types of self-defense classes for any female wanting to attend.
I applaud that women are going to these classes by the masses. I applaud that Crime Stoppers and these other organizations are giving of their time to do these classes.
But, I wonder to myself if they are not giving these women a false sense of security?
As a Realtor, I have attend and participated in these types of classes sponsored by the Board of Realtors. In these classes, I was taught how to stomp on the top of the foot of the aggressor, or how to gouge at his eyes, or how to strategically place that knee to the groin. But, reality is, I know that I do not have the strength to fight off an attacker. I always walked away from these classes feeling that there has to be a better way to defend my life from the criminal element.
The media in Ohio have been all over this serial rapist story over the past month. The media in Ohio have covered these self defense classes. The media in Ohio have covered the karate classes. The media in Ohio have been all over stun guns and Tazers. But always missing is the mere hint that firearms training, concealed carry instruction is also a very viable option.
The presence of the media bias against guns has long been apparent to those who follow the gun rights movement. So the fact that they have skipped bringing concealed carry and firearms training to the attention of area women comes as no surprise to us.
As the daughter of a rape victim, I have a special kinship to these ladies who have been forced into this life-altering, horrible experience. A rape attack not only affects the actual victim, but impacts all family members or those close to the victim. It frustrates (angers) me that there clearly are very viable alternatives to self-protection that go way beyond stomping on the bad guys’ foot, yet is never reported.
In 1966 the police in Orlando, Florida, responded to a rape epidemic by embarking on a highly publicized program to train 2,500 women in firearm use. The next year rape fell by 88 percent in Orlando (the only major city to experience a decrease that year); burglary fell by 25 percent. Not one of the 2,500 women actually ended up firing her weapon; the deterrent effect of the publicity sufficed." (Congressional Record, 90th Cong., 2d sess., January 30, 1968, p. 1496, n. 7) Five years later Orlando's rape rate was still 13 percent below the pre-program level, whereas the surrounding standard metropolitan area had suffered a 308 percent increase. If the Ohio media would tell the story about the many women who are chosing to arm themselves in response to this predator, this example from Florida proves it could have a real deterrent effect.
As an NRA certified instructor, instructing concealed carry classes in central Ohio, I was compelled to immediately put together a “ladies only” concealed carry class. I want to be the one who will show women that there is a choice in their self-defense!
When we chose Dec. 14 as the date for this “ladies only” class, I thought being so close to Christmas, no one would have time. I immediately was proven wrong, by the overwhelming response to this class. Women are clamoring to attend this class. Yes, there are many ladies who refuse to be a victim, especially during the busy holiday season, when criminals are looking for that easy mark. I’m confident that the media will not utter a word about concealed carry classes for women.
I encourage women everywhere, even after this repulsive animal is caught, that they remain vigilant about their own self-defense. Never let your guard down. Know your own limitations in fighting an attacker off, and take the necessary steps in your own self-defense. And most of all, if attacked, never ever give up your fight!
For further information about the Dec. 14, “ladies only” class, contact Linda Walker directly by email at: [email protected]
To find an instructor in your area of the state, click here!
Linda Walker is the Central Ohio Chair for Buckeye Firearms Association. She is owner of On The Defense, LLC, is an NRA certified firearms instructor, instructing concealed carry classes monthly in central Ohio. Linda is also the NRA-EVC for the Ohio 12th Congressional District.
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