Cuyahoga Co. admits error; promises to revise CCW policy
In recent weeks, Ohioans For Concealed Carry has been contacted by concerned Cuyahoga County citizens regarding county's "Concealed Weapons Policy" as described on its website:
To knowingly carry a firearm, deadly weapon or dangerous ordnance anywhere on any County Premises.
This prohibitation applies to all persons, including
Concealed Handgun Licensed Owners!
The misspelling of the word "prohibition" aside, our members had more serious concerns about the County's apparent attempt at enforcing a ban on concealed carry on county property, rather than just in county buildings (as is state law).
OFCC President Jeff Garvas sent a letter advising the county on state law, and has received the following response:
- Date: Wed, 09 Feb 2005 13:00:46 -0500
From: Christopher Russ
Subject: Cuyahoga County website
To: Jeff Garvas
Mr. Garvas: I have looked into the concerns you had regarding information on
the County's website concerning "concealed carry" & the buildings/premises
You are correct that the information currently contained therein is
misleading, apparently as a result of confusion at the time over the statutory
language and Cuyahoga County workplace policies & procedures relative to its
I have communicated your concerns to the County Administrator & someone from his office has informed me that the information on the site will be clarified. I have no timetable for that; however, I will monitor it. If you see that it is not addressed in the near future, please contact me directly.
Thank you -
Christopher J. Russ
Employee Relations Administrator/Staff Attorney
Cuyahoga County Sheriff's Dept.
1215 West 3rd St.
Cleveland, OH 44113
OFCC will continue to monitor the county's website to ensure the changes are made, and that they properly reflect state law.
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