The Death of Proportional Representation
By Ken Hanson, Esq.
One man, one vote. A famous slogan most of us have heard before, and none of us disagree with.
That notion has officially died in Ohio, all courtesy of Ohio Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner.
As you are probably aware, Ohio held “early voting” this year, wherein people could walk into a polling place, register to vote and then cast the vote immediately. This occurred due to some poor wording in Ohio’s law, wherein there was a period of several days where early/absentee voting had begun, yet the instant voter registration period had not yet expired. While this, in itself, is not particularly heinous, the way Jennifer Brunner has implemented the process is treasonous.
First, early voting places barred all poll observers, per directive from Jennifer Brunner. I have read the legal opinions in the court cases, I have read the statutes. Nothing other than Jennifer Brunner’s actions barred observers from the polls. See these two videos.
Folks, excuse me, but WTF is our chief election officer doing issuing directives or uttering one word in any forum that leads to poll observers being barred, versus being allowed? That, in itself, is clearly treasonous and impeachable. I don’t care what a law says, what the wording of the statute says or anything else. The Secretary of State personally is statutorily charged with defending the legitimacy of the election process, and the only words from her mouth should equal 'electoral transparency'. Anything less is unacceptable.
It will, of course, come as no surprise to you that the overwhelming majority of voters who took advantage of this small window of opportunity were ACORN plants. You have to have lived under a rock if you have not yet seen a video of drunk, homeless people being tossed out of vans plastered illegally with Obama posters at polling place doors. Now, even Cuyahoga County, that bastion of voting regularity, has unanimously blown the whistle on ACORN and their shenanigans, referring ACORN to the County Prosecutor as a criminal matter.
To really comprehend just how serious Brunner’s treason is, you must understand the voter challenge process. Poll observers can challenge a voter at the polling place, and that triggers the election judge to make a determination as to the voter’s eligibility. Well, Benedict Brunner conveniently insured that not a single challenge would occur, because there were no observer’s present. Keep in mind these people were not casting provisional ballots. No, they were casting absentee votes. There is an incredibly important difference. Provisional ballots, by their nature, are scrutinized and voter eligibility is confirmed prior to the vote counting. Absentee ballots are just like regular votes, and can only be challenged like regular votes.
One problem. The most effective method of challenging regular votes is by having poll watchers present to challenge. And Frau Brunner nipped that one in the bud, so we are down to some very limited grounds to challenge phantom voters. One ground, that the signatures don’t match, obviously won’t apply, since we will presume that the drunk person managed to passably place the same signature on the registration form as on his/her/it’s ballot.
Another ground for challenge, insufficient voter ID, is now also out the window courtesy of Brunner, who felt it was just too damn inconvenient to provide County Boards of Election (BOEs) the ability to verify voter ID information. Brunner felt that since Federal law did not require her to allow BOEs to check voter ID against known vote suppression databases, such as the Ohio BMV or Social Security Death Records, that she would not allow it. So she spent our tax dollars and went to court and fought, and appealed, to deny this voter ID check to local BOEs. (Brunner claims Federal Law doesn’t allow this. So why didn’t Brunner argue against the Federal Law on behalf of Ohio’s citizens when she had the chance? “I agree we shouldn’t allow ACORN shills to vote on behalf of dead people, Your Honor, and on behalf of 110% of the registered voters in Ohio I ask to be allowed to take this reasonable step.”)
I swear to you I am not making this up. Our chief election official went to court repeatedly to impede local BOEs in their efforts to try and verify that dead people are not voting, and has now asked the U.S. Supreme Court to rule that she does not have to turn over information on 200,000 voter registrations that did not match the databases the BOEs are seeking access to. Instead, Brunner said that utility bills are sufficient evidence of a voter’s identity. After all, we all know how hard it can be to come across a utility bill, what with the rash of college students using them to get into bars and stuff. Plus, it absolutely proves U.S. Citizenship, too, right? This, after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that photo ID was a legitimate prerequisite to voting.
Hell, I’d settle for just proving a dead guy isn’t voting in multiple counties while riding in the ACORN keg-mobile. Can the BOEs at least run their databases against each other to make sure that isn’t happening? Or can Johnny Crackhead claim Franklin County as his residence, then Delaware, then Marion etc as the party mobile heads north? We’ve already discovered that at least a dozen college students involved in GOTV efforts registered to vote in Ohio despite not legally establishing residency in Ohio. If the people running the scam aren’t legal to register, what are the odds the people they were registering were legal?
So voter signature is a guaranteed to match and removed as a challenge issue, ID challenge is gone, citizenship challenge is gone. No access is given to the county BOE, one branch of government, to other government databases to prove a felon under civil disability didn’t just vote. No access is given despite Jennifer “Richard Daley is my hero” Brunner knowing at least 200,000, or 1/3 the total, voter registrations don’t match. Reviewing R.C. 3505.20 and 3509.07, the only challenge left is to challenge that the person is “a qualified elector.” Reviewing 3503.01, it is extremely clear that there is absolutely nothing standing between ACORN voting a wino in all 88 Ohio counties, other than producing enough utility bills with different names and addresses.
In case you have any doubt about the impact of all of this on a fair voting process, take it from Lou Dobbs, hardly a defender of Republicans. Hang in until 2:16 for the money quote.
Folks, it really is this dire. Wake the hell up and regain control of the electoral process in Ohio, or start stocking up on food and ammo in the basement. The mainstream media isn't going to do it for you. Most of this so far has been covered by A bunch of college kids have been handing Chris Matthews and Keith Olberman their respective hats on this issue.
Still believe the media is unbiased?
Ken Hanson is a gun rights attorney in Ohio and is the attorney of record for Buckeye Firearms Foundation, which filed an amicus brief in the Heller case. He is the author of The Ohio Guide to Firearm Laws, is a certified firearms instructor and holds a Type 01 Federal Firearms License.
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