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Dirty Tricks begin in District 13: Senate challenger desperate

Democrat Sue Morano claimed Friday that state Sen. Jeffry Armbruster attempted to profit after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks by raising prices at a gas station he owns in Bay Village. Her campaign manager, Jack Kilroy, furthered her claim by saying that prices at Armbruster’s Bay Village Shell station rose 50 cents a gallon Sept. 11.

But the State Attorney General's Office (not to mention Armbruster), who prosecuted price gougers across the state after 9/11 hikes, disagrees.

Armbruster, who owns and operates several gas stations in Cuyahoga and Lorain counties, said the accusations are lies and charged that Morano’s campaign manager, Jack Kilroy, is using underhanded political tactics.

Morano is running against Armbruster in November for the 13th District Senate seat. Armbruster said he’s outraged at all of it and he is being railroaded with untrue and unfounded accusations by his political opponents.

“If I was guilty, I would have been prosecuted,” he said.

Read the entire story in Elyria's Chronicle-Telegram.

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