FLASH: Obama 'transition team' already eying method to allow government storage of gun purchase records
The Outdoor Wire, an outdoor sports industry resource, is reporting that Barack Obama's prematurely-established 'transition team' is already considering changes to the National Instant Criminal Background Check (NICS) for firearms purchases that would allow gun purchase records to be stored on government servers.
From the story:
The Outdoor Wire has confirmed from confidential sources that the "transition team" for the Democratic candidate has already begun looking into the current approval system for firearms transactions. It seems the digital recordkeeping approval recently granted by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE) has piqued their curiosity. With a virtual Form 4473 in existence, we should be on the lookout for a new record-keeping initiative that will "simplify" the hassles of off-site digital record storage by allowing FFLs to, say, store the information on secure governmental servers.
Think you can believe their assurances that the government wouldn't use and abuse the information? So did Ohio's "Joe the Plumber", whose records were accessed at least four different times by various government offices, including a Toledo Police Department records clerk digging dirt for a reporter friend, and the director of the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services, Helen Jones-Kelley, a maxed-out Obama campaign contributor.
From the Columbus Dispatch:
...Driver’s-license and vehicle-registration data about Wurzelbacher were obtained from the Bureau of Motor Vehicles. Also, the State Highway Patrol is investigating unauthorized access to data about Wurzelbacher in the attorney general’s office from a test account that the office shared with contractors who developed a computer network for the Ohio Association of Chiefs of Police.
In the past, Obama went on record calling for a gun registry. But don't take our word for it - take it from Obama's campaign website:
"The package closes the Firearm Owners Identification (FOID) card loopholes which resulted in the shooting out in Melrose Park. We're eliminating 17 specific assault weapons. There is no reason why anybody should need an assault weapon to protect themselves or their family,' Obama said. 'We're limiting handgun sales to one a month. 'We're calling for handgun registration. It's very hard right now to track whether or not a felon has turned in his weapons or if he has a FOID card because we don't know how many weapons he has purchased.'" [Chicago Defender, 2/20/01] (emphasis added)
Think that was then, this is now? Then consider Obama's answer to a debate question this past January:
Q: When you were in the state senate, you talked about licensing and registering gun owners. Would you do that as president?
A: I don't think that we can get that done.
2008 Democratic debate in Las Vegas Jan 15, 2008
Many have observed that Obama didn't say he was against gun registration - only that he "[doesn't] think that we can get that done." According to The Outdoor Wire's confidential sources, however, it's still a week before the election, and Obama has already found a way to "get that done."
Before casting their ballots, gun owners (including union members who are considering prostituting their Second Amendment rights for a paycheck) would do well to consider the prospect of a central computerized Federal database of gun owners, just a few clicks away from Barack Hussein Obama's anti-gun minions.
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