
Toledo Blade: Senate Committee ponders proximity in autos

A Senate committee moved closer yesterday to approving a controversial bill allowing Ohioans to carry hidden handguns. The bill is on the fast track in the Senate, but it remains to be seen how the House might react to some of the changes pondered in the Senate. Members of the Judiciary Committee on Civil Justice focused on the question of whether permit-holders should be prohibited from having...

Cincinnati crime wave threatens to shut down businesses

A recent shooting on Fountain Square - the heart of Cincinnati's downtown - has a business concerned that this latest crime will be its demise. A stray bullet from the gunplay that left one man injured and more than 40 people scrambling for cover shortly after 11 p.m. struck the glass facade of Rock Bottom Brewery, a restaurant on the square. "My concern is that it's going to kill my business,"...

Law enforcement bureaucrats: What's good for my spouse not good for yours

Anti-self-defense extremists are an interesting bunch. Much of their objection to the private use of handguns stems from the phobic belief that guns in the hands of the "untrained" are unavoidable tragedies simply waiting to occur. This opinion has been taken by a minority of Ohio's law enforcement bureaucrats. Despite all the proof that rank-and-file cops support CCW, and despite all the...

Poll: Ohioans shooting dirty looks towards Taft

Gov. Bob Taft isn't getting a lot of love right now from Ohioans. The number of voters who disapprove of the job Taft is doing reached 50 percent, a new high, according to a new Ohio Poll, sponsored by the University of Cincinnati. Negativity toward an Ohio governor hasn't been that high in almost 20 years. "I don't like what he's doing," Scott England, owner of Fort Ball Pizza Palace in Fremont...

Editorial: ''Don't expect a groundswell of opinion from the business side''

The Columbus Business Journal has printed a revealing editorial on the strangeness of anti-self-defense forces dragging business into the concealed carry reform debate. "In the argument against a concealed-carry law, some opponents have warned that business has yet to weigh in heavily on the proposal. That's true – but don't expect a groundswell of opinion from the business side. This proposal... Women need to defend themselves

"Women need to defend themselves, especially single women or those with husbands overseas. And the media has a responsibility to discuss honestly the issue of gun ownership. The John Walsh Show (search) on NBC may have dealt a blow (4/29) to both goals by "ambushing" three women who agreed to discuss their gun ownership and advocacy on air." Click on the "Read More..." link below for more. "Maria...

U.S. Senate Confirms Cook Appointment

The U.S. Senate confirmed Ohio Supreme Court Justice Deborah Cook Monday for the Sixth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. The U.S. Appeals Court is one step below the U.S. Supreme Court and decides much of the nation's law. President Bush nominated her for the federal bench nearly two years ago but her vote has been held up by partisan battles. Cook was confirmed quickly by the Senate on a 66-to-25...

New online poll asks if businesses should be allowed to ban firearms in cars

A new survey has been added to the OFCC PAC website, inquiring whether or not businesses should be allowed to ban firearms from your private vehicle in their parking lot. Vote on the upper-right corner of the homepage, or click here . If you haven't already done so, you can still weigh in on whether or not you would shop a business that bans CCW, by clicking here .


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.