
Video: John Lott/ OFCC PAC vs. ''Million'' Moms

If you weren't able to attend or want to relive the moment, click here to view footage of John Lott, OFCC PAC volunteers, and the scant few "Million" Mom marchers on hand at the Independence, OH rally. HISTORY: Rep. Jim Trakas (R-17), of Independence, was hammered on television by Democratic opponent Blair Melling in the 17th District. Melling, a Solon lawyer, blasted Trakas for supporting a...

Concealed guns OK with voters in poll

Nearly nine out of 10 people taking part in an online poll conducted by Sun Newspapers believe Ohio should allow civilians to carry concealed weap­ons. In the poll, which is on the newspaper’s Web site, 87.5 per­cent of those voting favor let­ting people tote hidden guns. The results are for voting done from Nov. 7, when the poll started, through 5 p.m. Nov. 11. A total of 399 votes were cast...

Taft may get to nominate justice to Ohio Supreme Court

Now that Republicans have reassumed control of the U.S. Senate, they are promising quick consideration of President Bush's judicial nominees, a process which was bottled up in political posturing by Tom Daschle (D-SD). Justice Deborah Cook, an Akron Republican, is awaiting confirmation to the 6th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals, and her confirmation would raise the opportunity for Gov. Bob Taft to...

OFCC Calls for Quick Action in Ohio Senate

Ohioans for Concealed Carry went to work immediately after election day, pressing our Senators to act on the Concealed Carry Reform bill before them. A press release was sent out, and picked up by many major media outlets. This same release has also been hand-deliverd to every Senator in Columbus. Click here to download a PDF version of the release (requires Adobe Acrobat to read). Links to some...

Pro-CCW majority add seats in Ohio General Assembly

Democrats picked up several open seats in the House but were unable - despite predictions by both parties - to take any bite out of the GOP's strong majority. Democrats actually lost ground to the Republicans in the House. The GOP will dominate the House by 62-37. The margin now is 59-40. And by gaining one seat in the Senate, Republicans secured an important procedural advantage: the two-thirds...

Hard-fought Cleveland area victories for pro-CCW candidates

Republican Tom Patton, an OFCC PAC-endorsee from Strongsville, won a battle to succeed the retiring Sullivan in the 18th, marking the first time a Republican has represented this area in many, many years. OFCC PAC-supported Republican State Sens. Kevin Coughlin in the 27th District and Jeff Armbruster in the 13th, both of whom pulled out victories after see-saw battles against upset-minded...

''Million Moms'' can't bring out the vote - Jim Trakas (R-17) re-elected!

Last month, we reported that anti-CCW forces had decided to make Trakas' support for Concealed Carry Reform a linch pin in their campaign to unseat him . Trakas, of Independence, was hammered on television by Democratic opponent Blair Melling in the 17th District. Melling, a Solon lawyer, blasted Trakas for supporting a concealed-weapons law. Trakas endured weeks of televised attack ads...

Sen. Jacobson considering compromises with FOP on HB274?

Last week, the Chairman of the Committee on Judiciary - Civil Justice, Sen. Jacobson, told the Sun Star, a suburban Cleveland newspaper, had this to say of the Fraternal Order of Police union's continued opposition to HB274. "Right now, I'm trying to understand their position better." "I can assure you no one, not the gun lobby or anyone else, is going to tell me when to do this." "I have a...


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