
ODNR appoints three deputy directors

March 22, 2007 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE COLUMBUS, OH - Sean D. Logan, Director of the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, announced today three key executive personnel appointments at the agency. Joining the Director’s leadership team are Deputy Directors Anthony Celebrezze, Cathryn Loucas and Anthony Trevena. All three will be on board by mid April. Celebrezze has worked for the U.S. Sportsmen’s...

Repeal the 2nd Amendment? The anti-gun left in panic over the Parker decision

By Tim Inwood This March has been wonderful. On Wednesday the 14th the provisions of HB347 became law. I no longer have to wrinkle my clothes trying to comply with the silly open carry provision in my car. That delighted me. But days before that, the great news came that the DC Circuit Court had finally issued a ruling in the Shelly Parker case , a ruling that turned out just as I had hoped it...

USCCA Magazine highlights writer

Over the past several weeks, USCCA, the official magazine of the U.S. Concealed Carry Association, has published several online articles written by Buckeye Firearms Association Central Ohio Chair Gerard Valentino, which have appeared in the past on this website. Guns are Back on the Table How to Help Not the Same Old Doctors and Guns Article Each day, the all-volunteer staff at Buckeye Firearms...

Cleveland police union to NRANews: We won’t enforce illegal laws

Cam Edwards, host of Cam & Company at has followed up on a story published last week which revealed that Cleveland's police union is not pleased with Mayor Frank Jackson's order to ignore HB347. Cam interviewed Buckeye Firearms Association Region Leader Chris Chumita on his show last Friday about the story, and in a follow-up segment yesterday, Edwards blew the...

Enquirer reporter reveals proof that criminals don't get Ohio CHLs

By Chad D. Baus Greg Korte, the Cincinnati Enquirer reporter who recently found himself in the middle of a lawsuit by sending requests for the list of CHL-holders to all 88 Ohio county sheriffs, has published a blog article that graphically illustrates a fact long-held by this political action committee: Criminals do not apply for concealed handgun licenses, and are not deterred by gun control...

Tens of Thousands Safely Join Sportsmen's Ranks

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 20, 2007 The Families Afield Program led to an astounding jump in the number of new hunters in 2006. The spotless safety record of the freshmen underscores the fact that mentored youth are the safest in the field. Families Afield is a campaign established by the U.S. Sportsmen's Alliance, National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), and National Wild Turkey Federation (...

LTE: Assault on 'assault' weapons unsound

March 19, 2007 Zanesville Times-Recorder The recent article by Dan Thomasson maligning the National Rifle Association is a new low, even for him. It appears that old Dan has finally lost control of his senses or is lying in his teeth. Take your pick. The nation's police chiefs have serious problems all right, but so called assault weapons are seldom used in crimes of any kind. The infamous ATF (...

Responding to Brady: The Letter the Blade refused to print

Editor's Note: The following letter was submitted to the Toledo Blade in response to an op-ed written by the John Shanks, Director of the Law Enforcement Relations for the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence. True to form, Shanks jumped at the opportunity to dance in the blood of a slain Toledo police officer, who died despite a plethora of failed Toledo gun control laws . The anti-gun Blade has...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.