
A look back at the Alrosa murders, from someone who was there

By Linda Walker Dec. 8, 2004 is a date that is emblazoned, in the minds of many central Ohio individuals, as the night that the Alrosa Villa nightclub came under attack by a deranged man by the name of Nathan Gale. Several people died that night as the metal band Damageplan took to the stage. Gale had stalked Daryl "Dimebag" Abbott for several months, supposedly because he was upset that Abbott's...

Senate passes HB 9, attempts to clean up media access loophole

By Chad D. Baus Little noticed after the first veto-override in more than a quarter-century was Senate passage of House Bill 9, the public records bill, which contains an attempt by the legislature to clarify its intent for giving journalists access to records of concealed handgun license-holders. On Wednesday, December 13, the Senate Judiciary Committee on Criminal Justice, chaired by Sen. David...

BILL OF RIGHTS DAY - December 15th, 2006

By Rick Jones and Larry Moore As the old saying goes, “if you don’t know your rights, you don’t have any”. In today’s society of hustle and bustle one really doesn’t take the time to really think about what their rights are. We take these rights for granted. Just about everyone knows what the First Amendment to the Constitution is, freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly and freedom to...

Media temper tantrums in full swing over HB347

The temper tantrums of the anti-gun media elites are in full swing following the override of Bob Taft's veto of HB347. Akron Beacon Journal: Gunning to be mayor : Jim Irvine, the chairman of the Buckeye Firearms Association, applauded the Ohio Senate for joining the House in overriding Gov. Bob Taft's veto of legislation concerning the carrying of concealed weapons. He added that lawmakers...

Plain Dealer journalist "in closest touch" proven out of touch on HB347

By Chad D. Baus On December 4, I wrote an article drawing attention to two editorials in the Cleveland Plain Dealer. In the first editorial, dated August 7, the editorial board endorsed the idea of statewide preemption of local gun laws, saying: This page continues to look skeptically on concealed carry, but consistency in the form of statewide, uniform standards makes more sense than a confusing...

City officials admit their local gun laws did nothing, whine about preemption

The Elyria Morning Journal is reporting that Elyria city officials "aren't quite sure how the state's new gun legislation will affect their local ordinance banning concealed weapons in city parks, but they're pretty sure it should be Elyrians making those decisions, not Columbus legislators." From the story: ''This is another case of the state legislature in Columbus thinking that they know...

Hanson does Blackwater USA: DAY 1

Buckeye Firearms Association Legislative Chair Ken Hanson recently attend Blackwater USA ’s 5 day pistol/carbine class. While attending class, Ken kept a blog of his experiences. Since most visitors to this site take training very seriously, we thought you would enjoy his ramblings. Ken's five day experience will be published on this website on Tuesdays and Thursdays through the end of the month...

Frequently Asked Questions on HB347

IMPORTANT NOTE: House Bill 347 has an effective date of March 14, 2007. Until then, the laws we have been laboring under for the past few years still apply. Who voted for the veto-override in the Senate? The question being, "Shall the bill, Sub. H. B. No. 347, be passed notwithstanding the objections of the Governor?" The yeas and nays were taken and resulted - yeas 21, nays 12, as follows: Those...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.