
AP: Anti-gun mayors contemplate legal challenge to Preemption Law

The Associated Press is reporting that anti-gun Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson plans to waste tax-payer money in a legal challenge to the state's new firearms law preemption statute. From the story: Local laws include current assault-weapons bans in Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton and Toledo. Mayors were weighing their legal options after the vote, with Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson saying...

Media promotes anti-gun poll to accompany veto override news

By Chad D. Baus In an effort to staunch the bleeding of the anti-gun lobby in Ohio, and in anticipation of a Senatorial veto-override, the Ohio media conspired to publicize a poll at the same time as the override vote, purportedly showing that Ohioans did not support the move. From the Quinnipiac University poll : By a 54 - 35 percent margin, Ohio voters say it's a "bad idea" to give state...

CCRKBA Applauds Ohio Senate, State Gun Rights Groups

For Immediate Release: December 12, 2006 BELLEVUE, WA – The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms today offered its congratulations to the Ohio State Senate for overriding anti-gun Gov. Bob Taft’s veto of concealed carry reform legislation, by a vote of 21-12. In overriding Taft’s veto, Ohio has effectively become a state in which residents will enjoy the benefits of preemption,...

Time Warp: Miss-Led writes as though the past two years never happened

By Chad D. Baus For those of you who are unfamiliar with Miss-Led (the name I gave Toledo Blade op-ed writer and anti-gun bigot Marilyn Johanek in 2004), allow me to catch you up to speed: She has called Ohio concealed carry "legislated lunacy" - a "worst-case scenario when road, work, or play rage finds a trigger within easy reach." She has called gun owners "misguided ideologues with aggressive...

LTE: Stop curtailing rights of legal gun owners

December 07, 2006 Columbus Dispatch In response to Friday’s Dispatch editorial "Veto is way to go," concerning House Bill 347, I am sick and tired of Big Media always condemning legal gun owners for the actions of criminals. The editorial stated that more gun restrictions are needed in cities than in rural counties. It would make more sense to say that inner-city people need firearms for...

Is the OhioGOP (finally) getting the message from gun owners?

By Chad D. Baus On August 17, 2005, as a second conservative Republican announced his intention to contest the anti-gun Senator Mike DeWine in the GOP primary, a story in the Cincinnati Enquirer quoted OhioGOP spokesperson Jason Mauk as saying his party's commitment to the liberal DeWine remained solid: Jason Mauk, political director at the Ohio Republican Party, said the party is confident that...

Republicans choose Faber to replace Jordan

On December 4, The Hannah Report noted that the Ohio Senate Republican Caucus screening committee recommended Rep. Keith Faber (a three-time endorsee of this political action committee)) to fill the 12th Senate District seat being vacated by Sen. Jim Jordan, who was elected in November to U.S. Congress. From the story: Faber was one of six candidates who interviewed for the spot, including Rep...

CCRKBA Applauds Ohio House Override, Urges Gun Owners to Call Senators

NEWS RELEASE December 7, 2006 BELLEVUE, WA - The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms today congratulated the Ohio House of Representatives for their courageous 71-21 vote to override the veto of concealed carry reform legislation by Gov. Bob Taft. CCRKBA Executive Director Joe Waldron immediately urged Buckeye State gun owners to start calling their state senators to let them...


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