Stories Anti-gun mayor convicted on firearms charges

Regular readers if this website will be familiar with New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg's anti-gun tirades (see here and here and here and here for more information). According to, one of the mayors in Bloomberg's coalition of Mayors Against Illegal Guns apparently wants his constituents (or rather, as he and Bloomberg seem to consider them, 'subjects'?) to do as he says, not as he...

Buckeye personal defense lessons…from a Wolverine???

By Daniel E. Goodman So by now, the dust has settled from a fine Buckeye victory over that team from up north. We read about the matchup for weeks, and now it’s over, with Ohio State on their way to the national championship game out in sunny warm Glendale, Arizona. Ahhh….I’m envious of those that can go. We came away with a victory on the field, but did you know that some of the most important...

Crime Stoppers chief draws handgun to fend off attacker; AP mum

By Mark Noble On Tuesday morning, November 21, Columbus awoke to the news that the president of Central Ohio Crime Stoppers, Kevin Miles, had been attacked near his home on Sunday morning by a bat wielding assailant. The Columbus Dispatch reported that the attack was stopped when Miles "had to draw his handgun to stop a man from beating him". Other news media, however, omitted Miles' defensive...

Cincinnati: Victims fighting attackers

In a story that varies between the encouraging (law enforcement defending citizens' right to self-defense) to the ridiculous (the media warning of the consequences of defending oneself, while ignoring the often deadly alternative), the Cincinnati Enquirer has published a story examining an apparent increase in self-defense shootings in that city. From the story : It's a split-second decision all...

Senate Committee Chair signals he'll bend to Taft on media access loophole fix

The Canton Repository recently published an article detailing the various opposition testimony to HB9 heard by members of the Senate Judiciary Committee on Civil Justice. According to the newspaper, Committee Chairman David Goodman has signaled that instead of siding with the 93 House Representatives who listened to their constituents and voted for the bill, which contains a provision that would...

Headline: Ohio gears for deer-gun season

The Canton Repository is reporting on this year’s popular deer-gun season, which opens statewide Nov. 27, offering all hunters expanded opportunities to harvest a whitetail. As noted previously on this website, the upcoming season will include an extra weekend and the new apprentice license program. From the story: The deer-gun season will run through Dec. 3, from one half-hour before sunrise to...

Officials rule car thief shooting self-defense; D.C. gun banners cry foul

Hamilton County Prosecuting Attorney Joseph Deters announced Friday that charges would not be filed against an Ohio concealed handgun licenseholder who shot and killed a car thief in Kennedy Heights late last month. From the Hamilton County Prosecutor's Office : Around 6 a.m., Bennie Hall, Jr., 61, went outside to warm up his car before leaving for work and then went back into his house. Mr. Hall...

Pro-gun Democrat Teresa Fedor selected as Senate minority leader

In what is becoming a continuing trend for the Ohio Democrat party, another pro-concealed carry legislator has been selected to a leadership post. The Columbus Dispatch is reporting that Ohio Senate Democrats have chosen Teresa Fedor, of Toledo, as their new minority leader. Fedor and Sen. Kimberly A. Zurz, herself a pro-self-defense Democrat, were vying to lead the 12-member caucus. Fedor told...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.