
Misguided mayors need to look to Castle Doctrine laws to curb crime

By Tim Inwood On Thursday October 26th a group of mayors gathered in Chicago to plot their strategy for getting guns off the streets , a continuation of Mayor Bloomberg’s efforts from April. While the gathering made headlines in USA Today, the details in the reporting made it clear this cluster of obtuse politicians are clueless about crime. The problem with crime is not guns, it is criminals...


Story originally posted at 12:40 a.m. Updates will continue throughout the day. By Chad D. Baus In a pre-election article focusing on the possible (and now real) outcome of the national Congressional races, Dave Kopel, research director at the Independence Institute, said this: "Things look a lot better for the Second Amendment than they do for the Republican party." That statement is equally...

Second Thoughts: How will the upcoming elections affect gun rights?

November 2, 2006 By Dave Kopel Things look a lot better for the Second Amendment than they do for the Republican party. A race-by-race analysis of the Senate suggests that, while party control of the Senate could change, the Senate is very likely to retain a pro-gun working majority. A 50-seat tsunami in the House would result in a gain of over two dozen seats for anti-gun...

Richard Cordray, another Ohio Democrat who “gets it”

By Ken Hanson Those who have received our voter guide or read our website recently are aware that this PAC has endorsed Sandra O’Brien, Republican candidate for State Treasurer. In fact, one of the proudest achievements of this primary season was the grassroots effort that helped propel Sandra O’Brien to victory over anti-gun, Bob Bennett-anointed Jeanette Bradley. This is not meant to be a...

Marietta Times: Special deer hunt for area youth

The Marietta Times is reporting that area farmers and wildlife specialists are teaming up to sponsor a special deer hunt for area youth who otherwise may have a difficult time getting out into the field this season. From the story: Organizers say the event benefits farmers by reducing crop damage and also teaches children about their heritage and about ethical hunting. Participating farmers have...

DeWine campaign debate: Who delivers more votes — the NRA or editorial boards?

The Columbus Dispatch is outlining some of the major obstacles Senator Mike De-Wine is trying to overcome as he seeks re-election to the U.S. Senate against Democrat Sherrod Brown. Close to top on the list is, of course, the Senator's long history of anti-gun rights votes. From the article: DeWine’s precarious tumble in the polls has prompted a round of recriminations by those who have been close...

NW OH: 2 judges square off for appellate court

The Toledo Blade is reporting this week on a race that should be on the radar of every pro-gun voter in Ohio's 6th Appellate District. (Not sure what pro-gun candidates will be appearing on your ballot next Tuesday? Click here to get your personalized slate card of pro-gun candidates!) Lucas County Common Pleas Judge Thomas Osowik is running against Buckeye Firearms Association endorsee and Judge...

Will Ohio gun owners go for the Democrat?

By Gerard Valentino (This commentary has also been published at ) Ohio Republican gubernatorial candidate Ken Blackwell has been described by some conservatives as a rising political star. Blackwell's platform includes support for the Second Amendment right to bear arms as well as fiscal and social conservatism. But that apparently hasn't helped him, as the latest polls put him...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.