
''Thank your Senator'' week

By Ken Hanson Several well-intentioned (?) friends of mine sent me news clips about the municipal prosecutor who was just arrested for walking around the office naked . These were usually accompanied with "witty" questions about us municipal prosecutors working in briefs, etc. Reading the story, I realized I had been in this particular Court on the case of a CHL who was charged for violating one...

Young hunters can get feet wet during early season

Toledo Blade outdoor writer Steve Pollick on Wednesday noted that Ohio's young hunters will get a jump on upland game hunting this weekend with the opening of two special advance seasons on pheasants and rabbits. From the story: Properly licensed hunters ages 17 and younger, accompanied by non-hunting adults, will be allowed afield Saturday and Sunday and again Oct. 28 and 29. The general upland...

The Left Wing's Plan For Guns

"Why would an honest person even want a gun?" by Alan Korwin, Author Gun Laws of America It's time to remember what the Democrat party generally seeks regarding guns and gun rights. The list below was widely circulated while Clinton was in power. (This list and more is available at my website, . The democrat-backed Brady group and similar outfits have been quiet about guns...

LTE: School shootings illustrate need for gun ban

Let us never forget that gun grabbers are out there, just waiting for the right opportunity... October 15, 2006 Columbus Dispatch As if the world isn’t experiencing enough senseless violence, we are once again seeing a spate of school shootings in the United States. Every single one of these shooters was mentally deranged or a social misfit who believed the only solution to his problem was to...

NRA and the Redemption of Congresswoman Pryce

by Linda Walker Last Saturday, the NRA sponsored a "Mix and Mingle" in the central Ohio area. The purpose of the mix and mingle is to gather like minded grassroots individuals together, to help teach them how to become better grassroots volunteers, how to work on candidate campaigns and also to introduce the attendees to an NRA endorsed candidate. Katrina Ruminski and Ryan Irsik, both Grassroots...

Do anti-gun legislators deserve support simply because they're Republican?

By Chad D. Baus & Ken Hanson Buckeye Firearms Association has always described itself as a non-partisan political action committee. Yet in recent days, PAC Chairman Jim Irvine has been in conversation with a reader who takes exception to the endorsement of Democrats. (For an excellent article on the NRA's endorsement of Democrats in national races, click here ) In a bit of ironic timing, as...

LTE: Schools are easy targets

October 10, 2006 USA TODAY In the article “ ‘A horrendous crime scene,' ” the crucial sentence was, “Police believe that he chose the school because it was an easy target.” Schools are not “gun-free” zones; they are killing zones because we insist that no one inside is armed. Feel-good programs only encourage attacks. We've seen many times that police do not arrive in time (News, Tuesday). The...

Op-Ed: There Is No Such Thing As An Illegal Gun, Part III: Let The Heavens Fall

This the third of a three part series featured at By John Longenecker In Part II , I wrote about how powerful officials can abuse citizens my making an example of them unjustly, emphasis on unjustly on the analogy of a cat producing a mouse from elsewhere just to prove she’s performing. I called the idea being a dead mouse. You don’t become a dead mouse at the hands of...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.