Handguns Magazine MUST READ: "Serial Killers"

As many as 10 states are considering serialization laws.

“If you can’t grab their guns, get their ammo!” That’s apparently the newest gun control approach popping up in state legislatures across the country under the heading of “bullet serialization.”

Advertised by the antis as a way to stop crime, bullet serialization is actually an unproven technology, which, if mandated, would increase the cost of ammunition exponentially, cause ammo making to grind to a near halt--and probably not catch a single criminal.

Serialization is supposed to work this way: a laser engraves every bullet manufactured with a serial number; records kept by manufacturers and retailers show where the bullets are sold and to whom; and bullets recovered at crime scenes can be traced to the buyer. Sounds almost logical. Yet the potential problems with serialization are staggering for shooters and the ammunition industry.

Click here to read the entire story from HandGunsMag.com.

Click here to read "Why Microstamping and Bullet Serialization Won’t Work" by C. Rodney James, Ph.D.

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