HB 234 (Allow Noise Suppressors While Hunting) scheduled for possible vote in House committee

Chairman David Hall has announced that the House Agriculture & Natural Resources Committee will be hearing all testimony on Representative Cheryl Grossman's (R-Grove City) HB 234 Tuesday March 11, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. in Statehouse Room 116. This will be the fourth hearing for this important bill.

Chairman Hall has indicated that an amendment may be offered before a possible vote is held.

Buckeye Firearms Association has previously provided testimony in support of the bill, and leaders will again be on hand at the hearing this week.

The use of suppressors while hunting is rapidly growing in the United States. Over thirty states allow the use of suppressors for some form of hunting, with most allowing them for all types of hunting. All states contiguous to Ohio, except Michigan, allow the use of suppressors for all types of hunting. Indiana passed their bill earlier this year.

The use of suppressors will greatly benefit predator and varmint, coyote and groundhog, hunters. Coyote hunting is primarily done in the early morning, late evening or even into the night. The use of suppressors will not only offer hearing protection for the hunter but allow him/her to be a good neighbor. Trappers may find suppressors a useful tool. They often trap close to developed areas or where streams run along a roadway. Should they be required to dispatch an animal, they can do so using a suppressor-equipped firearm quickly and in an environmentally-friendly way.

The use of suppressors while hunting is a valuable tool as an aid in hearing protection and being a good neighbor. It is making another safety tool available to hunters, and we encourage supporters to contact their state representatives and encourage them to vote yes on HB 234.

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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.