Headline: Passerby shoots, kills dog attacking woman, then keeps walking
WLWT, Cincinnati's NBC affiliate, is reporting that a woman being attacked by a dog Friday was saved when a passerby drew a concealed handgun and shot the dog.
From the report:
The attack happened in the 2100 block of Selim Avenue in East Price Hill about noon on Friday.
Cincinnati police officers said the victim was attacked by the dog after it broke free from its chain in a backyard.
A mail carrier tried to get the dog off as it began biting the victim, officers said.
According to investigators, as the mail carrier was struggling to get the dog off the woman, another man, who was walking down the street at the time, pulled out a gun and shot and killed the dog.
The dog was killed and the shooter continued walking down the street, police said.
Neighbors said they did not recognize the man who shot and killed the dog.
“I see a dog attacking this lady and I'm like, ‘Oh my god,’ and I see a man come out and he's helping her and the dog would not let go. So I hear shots and I see shots and I'm like, ‘Oh my god,’ so it was horrible,” neighbor Radonda Sechrest said.
According to officers quoted in the report, the woman was treated for her injuries and was back home Friday night.
The victim said she did not want to be identified. She had bite marks on her arms and legs and said she thought she was going to die.
Police said the man who shot the dog didn’t do anything wrong and would not be charged with a crime.
The dog's owner said her dog got loose and the victim was trying to help her get it back. She said the man who shot her dog did the right thing.
The report went on to say that police are calling the gun owner's actions a good deed, that an area resident called the gun owner a hero.
Chad D. Baus is the Buckeye Firearms Association Secretary, and BFA PAC Vice Chairman.
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