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Holder to Testify on “Fast and Furious” Before House Committee

Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) announced on Friday that U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder will testify on Feb. 2 before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee about his role in the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives' now-infamous "Operation Fast and Furious."

Issa, who is chairman of the House committee, and Senate Judiciary Committee ranking member Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) have led an ongoing investigation into the role of Holder and the Department of Justice in the operation.

According to a release from Rep. Issa, Holder will be asked to testify on what happened during "Fast and Furious" and how the DOJ has responded to the congressional investigation into the program. This will include the DOJ's refusal to disclose information following a Feb. 4, 2011 letter to Sen. Grassley, which the Department has withdrawn because it contained false information denying allegations made by whistle blowers about "Fast and Furious." The committee's investigation has found documentation that numerous members of the Justice Department knew the letter to Congress contained false information both before it was sent and later withdrawn.

"The Department of Justice's conduct in the investigation of Operation Fast and Furious has been nothing short of shameful," said Issa. "From its initial denials that nothing improper occurred, to efforts to silence whistle blowers who wanted to tell Congress what really happened, to its continuing refusal to discuss or share documents related to this cover-up, the Justice Department has fought tooth and nail to hide the full truth about what occurred and what senior officials knew. Attorney General Holder must explain or reverse course on decisions that appear to put the careers of political appointees ahead of the need for accountability and the Department's integrity."

Fast on the heels of Issa's announcement that Holder will testify, the DOJ supplied congressional investigators with 482 pages of subpoenaed internal documents relevant to the "Fast and Furious" investigation.

As we reported last month, at least 90 congressmen have either signed Rep. Paul Gosar's (R-Ariz.) "no confidence" (in Holder) resolution or believe Holder should step down.

Copyright 2011, National Rifle Association of America, Institute for Legislative Action. This may be reproduced. It may not be reproduced for commercial purposes.

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