Important Message from Wayne LaPierre on Trump's Nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court
Dear Second Amendment Supporters,
In the 2016 elections, NRA members and Second Amendment supporters across America made clear that the makeup of the U.S. Supreme Court was an issue of critical importance. Your work and support for President Trump have resulted in the nomination of a second outstanding justice to the court. On Monday, President Trump once again delivered on his promise of nominating constitutionally sound Supreme Court justices. You should be proud of your successful defense and protection of the future of our Second Amendment freedoms.
During his tenure on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, Judge Brett Kavanaugh wrote a strong dissenting opinion in opposition to Washington, D.C.’s ban on commonly owned semi-automatic firearms and registration requirement by applying a historical test consistent with Justice Antonin Scalia’s majority opinion in the Heller decision.
The narrow 5-4 majority that recognized a fundamental, individual right to self-defense in the landmark Heller and McDonald decisions will be secured with Kavanaugh's confirmation. The NRA’s six million members and tens of millions of supporters who voted for President Trump have ensured that the framers’ vision of constitutional freedom will have a strong voice on the court for decades to come.
Chris Cox, executive director of NRA's Institute for Legislative Action (NRA-ILA), along with the entire ILA team stand ready to fight for the confirmation of Judge Kavanaugh, but we need your help.
"NRA-ILA will activate the tens of millions of Second Amendment supporters throughout the country in support of Judge Kavanaugh," said Cox. "Securing his confirmation begins with the NRA's six-million members. We need your help in the coming days to ensure your U.S. senators vote to confirm Judge Kavanaugh. Freedom depends on you."
This is a great opportunity in American history to protect our constitutional freedoms for generations.
Yours in Freedom,
Wayne LaPierre
NRA Executive Vice President
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