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Join BFA-endorsee Sarah Palin for four Road to Victory Rallies in Ohio this Sunday!

Governor Sarah Palin, candidate for Vice President and 2008 Buckeye Firearms Association-endorsee, will appear at four Road to Victory Rallies in Canton, Marietta, Columbus and Owensville this Sunday!

Road to Victory Rally with Sarah Palin-Canton, OH
McKinley Senior High School
Canton Memorial Fieldhouse
1735 Harrison Avenue
Canton, OH 44708
Sunday, November 2nd
Doors Open: 9am

To RSVP and print your free tickets please Click Here!

Road to Victory Rally with Sarah Palin-Marietta, OH
Marietta College
Dyson Baudo Recreation Center
215 Fifth Street
Marietta, OH 45750
Sunday, November 2nd
Doors Open: 11:30am

To RSVP and print your free tickets please Click Here!

Road to Victory Rally with Sarah Palin-Columbus, OH
Lane Aviation - Rickenbacker International Airport
2295 John Circle Drive
Columbus, OH 43217
November 2nd
Doors Open: 2pm

To RSVP and print your free tickets pleas Click Here!

Road to Victory Rally with Sarah Palin-Owensville, OH
Clermont County Fairgrounds
1000 Locust St.
Owensville, OH 45160
Sunday, November 2nd
Doors Open: 5pm

To RSVP and print your free tickets please Click Here!

The National Journal's Hotline Blog reported recently that Gov. Palin is attacking Barack Obama for opposing gun rights in her stump speeches.

"We believe in the forward movement of freedom, not the constant expansion of government," Palin told a crowd of 20,000 at the Richmond International Speedway in Virginia recently. "And though Barack Obama disagrees, that freedom includes ... the rights and liberties under the Second Amendment."

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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.